与美国小学生一起学英文第2册(MP3+字幕) 第10期:袋鼠
日期:2017-05-18 15:10
Kangaroos live in Australia and New Zealand.
袋鼠居住在澳大利亚和新西兰 。
They have small heads, long ears, strong legs and long tails.
袋鼠有着小小的头,健壮的腿与长长的耳朵和尾巴 。
Kangaroos can't run on their four legs.
袋鼠不能用它的四条腿奔跑 。
But they can hop with their two powerful legs and feet.
但它们可以借助两条有力的腿脚跳行 。
There are two main types of kangaroos, they are red and grey kangaroos.
袋鼠有两种主要的类型,分别是红袋鼠和灰袋鼠 。
Red kangaroos are bigger than grey kangaroos.
红袋鼠比灰袋鼠大些 。