广州小学英语六年级(上)课本 Lesson18:今天是几号
日期:2013-01-05 18:02


Lesson 18
mind Never mind should.
card idea penfriend.
T-shirt hungry.
1.Listen to the conversation between Xiaoling and Sally.
Xiaoling:Hi,Sally!Happy Birthday!
Sally:Happy Birthday?Whose birthday is it?
Xiaoling:Yours,of course.
Sally:Mine?But what's the date today?
Xiaoling:It's the seventeenth of October.Don't you know?
Sally:But my birthday is on the seventeenth of November.
Xiaoling:Oh,I'm sorry.I'm a month early!
Sally:Never mind!But the day after tomorrow is Ben's birthday.It's his thirteenth birthday.
I'm going to buy a present for him.What should I buy,do you think?
Xiaoling:Well,a birthday card,of course.You could also give him...er...some flowers.
Or...I know!You could give him a book about basketball.He loves basketball.
Sally:That's a great idea.Thanks,Xiaoling.
Sound families.
4.Listen and repeat.
the third term her bird Thursday is the worst.
4.2 Listen and repeat.
long wrong young beginning.
yes young yesterday you your.
