广州小学五年级(上)课本(2003) Unit8:我们不应摘花
日期:2013-01-05 14:34


Unit 8 We Mustn't Pick the Flowers.
mustn't=must not pick line line up.
be going to park lesson leave.
need you'll=you will notebook kapok.
call city city flower bluebell.
violet sleep bench.
Look and listen.Then read and answer the question.
Why mustn't Sally pick the flowers?
Line up,everyone!We're going to the park for our lesson today!
Can I leave my bag here?
Yes,but you'll need your notebook and pen.
What's that tree over there?Do you know?
Is it an oak tree?
No,it's a kapok tree.
And we call it the Hero Tree.
Kapok is the city flower of GuangZhou.
I see.
What are those flowers?
I know!They're tulips.They look like cups,don't they?
Yes, they do.They grow in spring.
Oh!Look at those lovely bluebells!
They are not bluebells.I think they're violets.
My mum loves violets.Can I pick some violets for my mum?
No,Sally,we can't pick them.Everyone likes flowers.
We must leave them in the park.
Yes,so everyone can enjoy them.
Oh,you're right.We mustn't pick the flowers.
Line up,everyone!
We're going to the park for our lesson today!
Can I leave my bag here?
Yes,but you'll need your notebook and pen.
What's that tree over there?
Do you know?
Is it an oak tree?
No,it's a kapok tree.
And we call it the Hero Tree.
Kapok is the city flower of GuangZhou.
I see.
What are those flowers?
I know!They're tulips.
They look like cups,don't they?
Yes, they do.They grow in spring.
Oh!Look at those lovely bluebells!
They are not bluebells.
I think they're violets.
My mum loves violets.
Can I pick some violets for my mum?
No,Sally,we can't pick them.
Everyone likes flowers.
We must leave them in the park.
Yes,so everyone can enjoy them.
Oh,you're right.
We mustn't pick the flowers.

  • benchn. 长凳,工作台,法官席 vt. 坐(在长凳上)
  • violetn. 紫罗兰,紫色 adj. 紫色的
  • oakn. 橡树,橡木