广州小学四年级(上)课本 Unit2:衬衫 连衣裙和裤子
日期:2013-01-04 18:23


Unit 2 Shirts,Dresses and Trousers.
afternoon sir for.
bye madam pound whose.
1 look,listen and then act out these dialogues in pairs.
Good afternoon,sir.What can I do for you?
I'd like to buy that blue shirt.
Yes,sir.Here you are.
How much is it?
Forty-five yuan.
All right.I'll take it.
Here you are.Thank you.
Good afternoon,sir.
What can I do for you?
I'd like to buy that blue shirt.
Yes,siR.Here you are.
How much is it?
Forty-five yuan.
All right.I'll take it.
Here you are.Thank you.
I'd like to buy a black dress.Do you have any?
Yes,madam.Here you are.
How much is it?
Ninety-five pounds.
I'd like to buy a black dress.Do you have any?
Yes,madam.Here you are.
How much is it?
Ninety-five pounds.
How much are the blue trousers?
They're thirty pounds.
That's all right.I'll take them.
Here you are.
How much are the blue trousers?
They're thirty pounds.
That's all right.I'll take them.
Here you are.
Sound Families
Read these words.
Aa apple bag.
cake name.
Bb book ball.
box bus.
Cc coat clour.
clock cat.
Dd do door.
doctor dog.
2 Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.
m_p _oy _ow.
_uck g_te.
