The package lists public health, rural areas, urban community services and basic medical insurance as the four key areas for government investment. "We will improve medical insurance systems and services to ensure both equality and efficiency when it comes to healthcare," the minister said.
在上面的报道中,basic medical insurance就是我们平时常说的“基本医疗保险”。“两会”后,将公布新的healthcare reform package(医改方案),to expand its medical insurance to cover all citizens and upgrade services(将医疗保险覆盖范围扩大至所有城镇居民并提升医疗服务水平),同时继续加强basic medicine system(基本医疗体制)建设。
除“保险”外,insurance还可以指“保费、安全保障”。Jim刚刚加入an insurance company(一家保险公司)工作就接待了他的第一个客户,his insurance is US$300 a year.(他的保险费是每年三百美元)。但由于饮食不规律他生病了,医生告诉他A balanced diet is an insurance against malnutrition.(均衡的食谱是防止营养不良的保证)。