Eden英语单词脱口秀 第101期:什么是契约奴役
日期:2017-03-10 15:47
“契约仆役”( indentured servant )
indentured adj.受契约约束的
I have a indentured job, I am bondaged until next year.
单词 kidnap 由 kid (儿童)和 nap 组成, nap 是 nab 的变体,表示“抢走、偷走”。所以 kidnap 的字面意思就是“偷走儿童”。 kidnap本来只用来表示绑架儿童的行为,后来词义拓展为表示一切绑架行为。
kidnap: vt. 绑架,诱拐,诱骗
What you may not know is that there was no attempt to kidnap one of them.
abduction n.诱拐
Alien abduction 外星人绑架 ; 外星人绑架
Remember that child abduction is very rare.
Human trafficking 拐卖人口
trafficking n. 非法交易(尤指毒品买卖)
There are no statistics for the black industry of child-trafficking in China.