Eden英语单词脱口秀 第96期:女人为何离不开男人
日期:2017-02-27 17:31


1,adhere v. 粘,依附。
ad(加强语气) + her(粘) + e
We adhered to our original plan of swimming in spite of the bad weather.
2, adherence n. 粘附,坚持
ad(加强语气) + her(粘) + ence (名词后缀)
There are absolutely conditions, such as adherence to a moral code.
3,adherent n, 门徒,皈依者
ad(加强语气) + her(粘)+ ent(在这是名词后缀表示人,想一下parent)
4, adhesion n, 粘着,坚持
ad(加强语气) + hes(粘)+ ion(mincing后缀)
5,adhesive adj. 发粘的
ad(加强语气) + hes(粘) +ive(形容词后缀---想一下expensive)
n. 胶带
ad (加强语气)+ hes(粘) +ive( 名词后缀-- 想一下detective侦探 )
6, cohere v. 粘着,连贯
co(com-全部)+ her(粘) + e
7,coherent adj, 连贯的
co(com-全部)+ her(粘) + ent(在这是形容词后缀---想一下confident)
8,inherent adj,天赋的
in(里面) + her(粘) + ent(在这是形容词后缀---想一下confident)
9,hesitate v. 犹豫不决
hes(粘) + it(走,想一下visit) + ate(在这是动词后缀)
He hesitated and asked me if he could sit near me.

