SPORADIC = occurring occasionally at intervals that have no apparent pattern
Synonyms:occasional, infrequent, unconnected, scattered, uncommon, irregular
Antonyms:frequent, regular
- The ambiguous economic report caused sporadic buying on wall street.
- The police’s sporadic attempts to sweep the drug pushers off the streets proved ineffective.
- The WTO meeting was disrupted by sporadic protests and riots.
- The weather man forecasted sporadic showers throughout the day.
RETORT = (noun, verb) (n.) a quick, witty response to a question; (v.) 1. to quickly respond to a question with a witty or insulting response; 2. to respond to someone’s argument
Synonyms:(n.) response, reply, comback, counterargument, (v.) reply, answer, respond, rebut, counter
- When she said “Yeah, BABY!” he retorted, “That’s Mr. Baby to you.”
- “I am rubber and you are glue” is not a very good retort to criticism.
- After Lisa screamed at him, Marc’s retort was, “Please come back when you are ready to act like an adult and engage in a civilized discussion.”
- Sure, that’s a funny retort you just made, but you still haven’t answered my question.