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单词解析速记 JV542:Penchant and Intrepid
日期:2012-04-13 16:50


PENCHANT = (noun) a strong liking for or tendency toward something, especially something that others may not look favorably on,liking or tendency:a strong liking, taste, or tendency for something.

Synonyms:inclination, affinity, tendency, predisposition

Antonyms:disinclination, dislike


John’s penchant for taking clients to expensive restaurants is costing our company too much money.
Frank has a penchant for showing up late to meetings, but I don’t think he realizes how inconsiderate that is.
Joanne has a penchant for drinking too much wine and acting silly at parties.

INTREPID =(adjective) extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations,not vulnerable to fear or intimidation

Synonyms:fearless, undaunted, perseverant, persistent, brave, courageous, bold, daring, heroic

Antonyms:fearful, timid, cowardly

Achilles was a brilliant and intrepid warrior.
After the market crash, only a handful of intrepid investors put money in tech-stocks.
Lisa is an intrepid journalist who often reported from deep in the war zone, but never seemed afraid for her life.

  • tendencyn. 趋势,倾向
  • penchantn. 喜好(倾向)
  • vulnerableadj. 易受伤害的,有弱点的
  • timidadj. 胆怯的,害羞的
  • fearlessadj. 无畏的,大胆的,勇敢的
  • fearfuladj. 担心的,可怕的
  • inclinationn. 倾向,意愿,倾斜度
  • persistentadj. 固执的,坚持的,连续的
  • intrepidadj. 无畏的,刚毅的
  • actingn. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出