OBSOLETE= (adjective) no longer used, usually because it has been replaced with something better
Synonyms:outdated, discarded, unfashionable, old-fashioned, archaic, extinct, unused, antiquated
Antonyms: current, modern, fresh, up-to-date
- Horse-drawn wagons became obsolete once the car was invented.
- Although much of today’s communication and correspondence takes place online, the postal service is not quite obsolete.
- Mobile phone technology is developing so quickly that many customers are concerned about obsolescence.
- Typewriters have been rendered obsolete by computers.
FOSTER= (verb) 1. to nurture and rear a child, as a temporary guardian; 2. to encourage the development or interest of ideas or activities, to encourage the development or growth of (ideas or feelings)
Synonyms: cherish, nourish, harbor, raise, nurture, champion, encourage, advance, uphold, stimulate
Antonyms: squelch, discourage
- We try to foster an environment of open communication within this department.
- He is fostering a plan to help turn this company around.
- Lisa’s niece was taken into care by the local council and placed with a foster family.
- My parents always tried to foster an interest in classical music in me.
- I try to foster an appreciation for classical music in my students.