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单词解析速记 JV540:Mercurial.and.Nonchalant
日期:2012-04-13 16:41


MERCURIAL = (adjective) 1. containing or being somehow related to mercury; 2. having a temperamental, active, or unpredictable personality; 3. quick, lively, and shrewd, like the god Mercury

Synonyms:erratic, changeable, fickle, volatile, unpredictable, fluctuating, temperamental, moody, lively, quick

Antonyms:constant, invariable, steady, stable, even

- I wanted a mercurial thermometer but I got a digital one.
- The comedian relied on his mercurial wit, not rehearsed jokes, to entertain his audience.
-Lisa is a bit unpredictable with her mercurial mood swings.
-His mood is somercurialthat we never know how he?s going to react to anything
NONCHALANT = (adjective) casual and unconcerned

Synonyms:casual, blasé, indifferent, unconcerned, unflappable, apathetic

Antonyms:worried, concerned

- Surprisingly, when John was told he won the contest, he was very nonchalant, and didn’t seem that excited.
- Even though Marc was nervous when he asked her out, he tried to appear nonchalant about it.
  • thermometern. 温度计
  • unpredictableadj. 不可预知的
  • shrewdadj. 精明的
  • unconcernedadj. 不关心的;无忧虑的;无关的
  • reactvt. 作出反应 vi. 起反应,起作用,反攻
  • erraticadj. 无确定路线,不稳定的,奇怪的,游走的,移动的;
  • invariableadj. 不变的,常数的 n. [数]常数,不变量
  • mercurialadj. 善变的,活泼的,水银的,[天文]水星的 n.
  • temperamentaladj. 性情的,喜怒无常的
  • volatileadj. 挥发性的,反复无常的,易变的,易爆的 n. 挥