PATHOLOGY = (noun) 1. the scientific study of diseases; 2. a deviation from a healthy and normal condition
study of disease
- Ask Angela about the disease that’s killing your roses; she specialized in plant pathology in college.
- Don’t believe him; he’s a pathological liar.
- I decided to specialize in pathology during my medical studies because I’m fascinated with finding cures for disease.
PROBITY = (noun) unquestionable integrity and honesty
integrity, honor, honesty, goodness, morality, virtue, trustworthiness
immorality, dishonesty
- The president’s probity came into question during the scandal.
- Nuns live lives of honesty and moral probity.
- The company believed its management should be held to the highest standards of probity.
- I would never doubt Angela’s probity; any secret you tell her is safe.