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日期:2011-12-22 11:39


INTRO: Millions of American workers will get the day off on Monday to celebrate Labor Day. In honor of the national holiday, VOA Wordmasters Rosanne Skirble and Avi Arditti look at a publication that the U-S Department of Labor is about to issue which offers a snapshot of the American workforce.

MUSIC — "9 to 5"/Dolly Parton

RS: The new Department of Labor book classifies some 30-thousand jobs into 842 occupations.


"The Census Bureau will use it to describe occupations on the 2000 Census. The Bureau of Labor Statistics will use it for its occupational employment statistics. Other federal agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Science Foundation and so forth will be using the same classifications to talk about occupations that are important to their work."

AA: That's Daniel Weinberg. He heads the Census Bureau division that is currently revising the existing opus of job titles and definitions.

RS: Mr. Weinberg says the 1999 edition of what's officially called the "Standard Occupational Classification System" reflects recent changes in the working world, especially the shift toward more service and high-tech jobs.


"We've focused, for example, on the computer area, where we've added job titles like 'computer software engineer.' We've also increased the number of categories for post- secondary teachers. We've tended to reduce jobs in industries that have been getting fewer and fewer workers. For example, we've combined a number of production occupations.

"We've increased the number of gaming occupations as gambling seems to have been more widespread."

AA: The Census Bureau began classifying job titles as far back as the 1850 census. While jobs like lawyers, carpenters and brokers are still around, others have just vanished with the times.


DANIEL WEINBERG: "The one I liked most was 'salaeratus maker.' That was one of the few that I couldn't find in my abridged dictionary. I had to go to the massive, huge thousand-plus page dictionary to find out what 'salaeratus' was. It turned out to be 'baking soda.'"

RS: "So, (the job would be) a baking soda maker?"

DANIEL WEINBERG: "That was actually an occupation in the 1850 Census."

AA: "What do you call that person today?"

DANIEL WEINBERG: "I assume that (he/she) is just a worker in a chemical plant.

AA: Mr. Weinberg has a staff to update job descriptions, relying on the work-related responses they get from periodic Census Bureau questionnaires that ask Americans to describe the work they do.

RS: Jobs are then classified among the 842 occupation categories on the list. Mr. Weinberg says his staff tries to make each job title gender-neutral. For example, letter carrier, police officer and firefighter have replaced postman, policeman, and fireman.


DANIEL WEINBERG: "Any word with 'man' in it we changed. Fisherman became a 'fisher.'"

AA: "Now, how many fishermen out on the sea do you think would describe themselves as 'fishers?'"

DANIEL WEINBERG: "Very few, but that doesn't matter. If they write down on the Census form, that they are fishermen, we'll put them in the 'fisher' occupation. We're not going to misclassify them just because they use a gender specific term.

"But people still call themselves a waitress, or a waiter. So, we actually kept that particular job description in the 'tandard Occupational Classification,' but we said 'waiters' and 'waitresses.'"

RS: "And, actors and actresses, I presume."


AA: At the same time, some job titles have been upgraded — for instance, "secretary" is now "executive assistant."

Whatever your job title is, we'd love to hear from you. Our e-mail address is word@voa.gov.

RS: Or write us at VOA Wordmaster, Washington, DC 20547 USA. With Avi Arditti, I'm Rosanne Skirble.


今天的词汇大师是Daniel Weinberg,他是负责美国Census Bureau人口普查的负责人,根据数据显示,美国有842个occupations行业,近3万个职位。

而这些职位是逐年变化的,近年,更多的service服务业和high-tech jobs高科技行业的职位纷纷涌现,包括电脑软件工程师computer software engineer,教师post- secondary teachers,随着博彩业的发展,gaming occupations也与日俱增。

相比之下,一些传统行业正在逐渐减少,比如industries工业行业的职位production occupations正在减少,只有lawyers, carpenters and brokers经纪人等职位保持着原状,不增不减。

Daniel介绍了一个有趣的职位salaeratus maker,也就是baking soda小苏打制造商,这个新兴职位是在1850的普查中发现的。

此外,Daniel还向我们介绍了这些职位的命名趋势,那就是gender-neutral中性化,比如:letter carrier,police officer,firefighter,fisher。但生活中,人们往往还是倾向用waiter,waitresses,actor,actresses这些带着性别特征的词汇。

  • periodicadj. 周期的,定期的,间歇的,完句的
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • foundationn. 基础,根据,建立 n. 粉底霜,基金会
  • updatev. 更新,补充最新资料 n. 更新
  • executiveadj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令 n
  • widespreadadj. 分布(或散布)广的,普遍的
  • descriptionn. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • celebratev. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬