commerce market mark-merc
The buying and selling of goods, especially on a large scale, as between cities or nations. See Synonyms at business.
Intellectual exchange or social interaction.
n. 贸易,商业
Of or relating to commerce: a commercial loan; a commercial attaché. Engaged in commerce: a commercial trucker. Involved in work that is intended for the mass market: a commercial artist.
Of, relating to, or being goods, often unrefined, produced and distributed in large quantities for use by industry.
Having profit as a chief aim: a commercial book, not a scholarly tome.
Sponsored by an advertiser or supported by advertising: commercial television.
A paid advertisement on television or radio.
adj. 商业的;营利的;靠广告收入的
n. 商业广告
I work for a commercial radio station.
His new record is much too commercial.
(Symbol Hg) a chemical element. Mercury is a poisonous silver-white liquid metal, used in THERMOMETERS.
n. 水银;水银柱
In Roman mythology, Mercury was the messenger of the gods, identified with the Greek Hermes. He is pictured as a herald wearing winged sandals which enable him to travel swiftly. Anyone who acts as a messenger can be described as doing the work of Mercury.
The smallest of the planets and the one nearest the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 88.0 days at a mean distance of 58.3 million kilometers (36.2 million miles) and a mean radius of approximately 2,414 kilometers (1,500 miles).
n.【罗马神话】 墨丘利神:各路神灵的使者,其本身是商业、旅行及盗窃的守护神;
mercurial liquid 易变的
often Mercurial Roman Mythology. Of or relating to the god Mercury.
Astronomy. Of or relating to the planet Mercury.
Having the characteristics of eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, and thievishness attributed to the god Mercury.
Containing or caused by the action of the element mercury.
Quick and changeable in temperament; volatile
A pharmacological or chemical preparation containing mercury.
adj. 水银的;水星的;墨丘利神的;雄辩机智的;活泼善变的
n. 汞剂;水银剂
One whose occupation is the wholesale purchase and retail sale of goods for profit.
One who runs a retail business; a shopkeeper.
Of or relating to merchants, merchandise, or commercial trade: a merchant guild.
Of or relating to the merchant marine
n. 商人,批发商;店主
adj. 商业的,商人的
The merchants of Arab are doing their things all of the world.
Goods bought and sold in business; commercial wares.
To buy and sell (goods).
To promote the sale of, as by advertising or display: merchandised a new product.
To buy and sell goods; trade commercially.
n. 商品;货物
vt. 买卖;推销
vi. 经商
The shop windows are filled with foreign merchandise.
If this product is properly merchandised, it should sell very well.
Of or relating to merchants or trade.
Of or relating to mercantilism.
adj. 商业的;商人的;重商主义的
Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.
Hired for service in a foreign army.
One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling.
A professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army.
adj. 雇佣的;唯利是图的
n. 雇佣兵;唯利是图者
His action was prompted by mercenary motives.