Aurora 奥罗拉 欧若拉 Clash of the Gods
[Roman] Aurora is the Roman personification of the dawn. She is also the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Eos. Aurora is seen as a lovely woman who flies across the sky announcing the arrival of the sun. Aurora has two siblings: a brother, the sun, and a sister, the moon. She has had quite a number of husbands and sons. Four of her sons are the four winds (north, south, east, and west). According to one myth, her tears cause the dew as she flies across the sky weeping for one of her sons, who was killed.
A luminous atmospheric phenomenon appearing as streamers or bands of light sometimes visible in the night sky in northern or southern regions of the earth. It is thought to be caused by charged particles from the sun entering the earth's magnetic field and stimulating molecules in the atmosphere.
The dawn.
n. [地物] 极光;曙光;黎明
of or like the dawn.
pertaining to the aurora borealis or aurora australis.
adj. 极光的;曙光的;玫瑰红的
A circle of light or radiance surrounding the head or body of a representation of a deity or holy person; a halo.
n. 光环;光轮;晕(等于aureola)
auriferous fer拿,带来,产生
Containing gold; gold-bearing
adj. 产金的; 含金的
Of a golden color; gilded.
Inflated and pompous in style
adj. 镀金的; 金色的;华丽的, 灿烂的
academy n. 学院,研究院,学会
Borrowed either from French académie or from Latin acadēmia, academy goes back ultimately to Greek Akadēmíā, the name of the place in Athens where the philosopher Plato (c. 427–347 BC) taught. Traditionally thought of as a grove (‘the groves of Academe’), this was in fact more of an enclosed piece of ground, a garden or park; it was named after the Attic mythological hero Akadēmos or Hekadēmus. In its application to the philosophical doctrines of Plato, English academy goes back directly to its Latin source, but the more general meanings ‘college, place of training’ derive from French.
在希腊神话中,斯巴达少女海伦(Helen)乃主神宙斯(Zeus)与斯巴达王之妻所生,她美艳绝伦,使许多希腊英雄为之倾倒。雅典王子提修斯(Theseus)一度将她劫走。她的两位孪生哥哥卡斯托耳(Castor)和波吕丢刻斯(Pollux)四处探寻其下落。后来一位名叫Akademos(亦作Hekadēmus)的雅典英雄(一说农夫)给了某种暗示,他们才把海伦要了回来。自此以后,Akademos/Hekadēmus所在的雅典城郊小树林(grove)时时有众神守护着,以免遭到报复。相传,约公元前387年希腊著名哲学家柏拉图(Plato,427-347BC)就在这片林园里创办了一所学校,广收门徒,讲授哲学。他根据Akademos的名字将学校命名为Akademeia,现一般译作柏拉图学园,简称学园。英语academy,究其根源,实出自Akademeia一词,15世纪时只用作专有名词,指柏拉图学园。到了16世纪,academy和柏拉图以及希腊神话的联系渐被人们遗忘,开始被用以指学院或高等专科学校。17世纪以后也指学会或研究院,如the Royal Military Academy(英国皇家军事学院),the Royal Academy of Arts(皇家艺术学会),the Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国科学院)等。