【根】mut=to change(改变)
Capable of or subject to change or alteration. Prone to frequent change; inconstant: mutable weather patterns.
Tending to undergo genetic mutation
adj. 易变的,不定的;性情不定的
Not subject or susceptible to change.
adj. 不变的;不可变的;不能变的
An individual, organism, or new genetic character arising or resulting from mutation.
Slang. One that is suggestive of a genetic mutant, as in bizarre appearance or inaptitude.
Resulting from or undergoing mutation: a mutant strain of bacteria.
Slang. Suggestive of a genetic mutant.
n. 突变体;突变异种
adj. 突变的
mutant strain 突变系;突变菌株;突变株
mutant gene 突变基因;变异基因
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 忍者神龟(美国动画电影) ninja【日】忍者
The result of these experiments will be a nightmarish world filled with two-headed monsters and other mutants.
The act or process of being altered or changed.
An alteration or change, as in nature, form, or quality.
Genetics. A change of the DNA sequence within a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the parental type. The process by which such a change occurs in a chromosome, either through an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA coding for a gene or through a change in the physical arrangement of a chromosome. A mutant.
Linguistics. The change that is caused in a sound by its assimilation to another sound, such as umlaut.
n. 变化,转变;[遗] 突变,变种;【语言学】元音变化
mutual exchange交换
Having the same relationship each to the other: mutual predators.
Directed and received by each toward the other; reciprocal: mutual respect.
Possessed in common: mutual interests.
Of, relating to, or in the form of mutual insurance.
Mutual understanding is essential to friendship.
We found that we had a mutual friend.
condition or quality of being mutual; reciprocity; mutual dependence
n. 相互关系,相关;亲密
To make a continuous low-pitched buzzing or humming sound. To move while making such a sound.
To climb suddenly and sharply. Used of an airplane.
To move about rapidly; swoop.
To simulate movement rapidly away from or toward a subject using a zoom lens.
Computer Science. To cause text or other graphics in a window or frame to appear larger on the screen.
To cause to zoom.
The act or sound of zooming.
A zoom lens.
n. 急速上升;嗡嗡声;[摄] 变焦摄影
vi. 急速上升;摄象机移动
vt. 使摄象机移动
zoom in v. 放大
zoom lens 变焦镜头
zoom out 缩小
digital zoom 数码变焦;数字变焦
The prices of food have zoomed this year.
Nick went zooming past in his new car.
The camera zoomed in on the girl's face.