Theodore the+odor adore
n. 西奥多(男子名)
Theodore Roosevelt 西奥多·罗斯福(前美国总统)
Theodore Dreiser 西奥多·德莱塞(人名,与詹姆斯同时代的小说家)
西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt,Jr.,人称老罗斯福,昵称泰迪(Teddy)1858年10月27日—1919年1月6日),美国军事家、政治家,第26任总统(1901-1909)。曾任海军副部长,1900年当选副总统。1901年总统威廉·麦金莱(William McKinley)被无政府主义者刺杀身亡,他继任成为美国总统,时年42岁,他的独特个性和改革主义政策,使他成为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。
西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser,1871~1945),美国小说家。生于印第安纳州特雷霍特镇。父亲是贫苦的德国移民。他在公立学校接受了早期教育,以后进印第安纳大学学习。一生的大部分时间从事新闻工作。走遍芝加哥、匹兹堡、纽约等大城市,广泛深入地观察了解社会,为日后的文学创作积累了丰富的素材。德莱塞是美国现代小说的先驱和代表作家,被认为是同海明威、福克纳并列的美国现代小说的三巨头之一。
The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions.
A system or school of opinions concerning God and religious questions: Protestant theology; Jewish theology.
A course of specialized religious study usually at a college or seminary.
n. 神学;宗教体系
Many theologies express the same ideas.
One who is learned in theology.
n. 神学者;空头理论家
theocracy cra-hard
A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.
A state so governed.
n. 神政;神权政体;神治国(复数theocracies)
Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods. The doctrine that there is no God or gods.
Godlessness; immorality.
n. 不信神,无神论
One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.
n. 无神论者
The doctrine or belief that there is only one God.
n. 一神教,一神论
The worship of or belief in more than one god.
n. 多神论;多神教
charlatan 瞎乱谈
A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud.
n. 吹牛者;江湖医生;假内行,庸医,骗子
adj. 骗人的;假充内行的
耶鲁公开课 - 1945年后的美国小说课程节选
He's the charlatan preacher. We're certainly not meant to identify with him or to sympathize with him, but here you can't help but thinking about someone getting their thumb smashed in a door.