donate 【根】don=to give(给予)
To present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute.
To make a contribution to a fund or cause.
v. 捐赠;捐献
n. 捐赠;捐献
We donate to the school endowment fund every year.
To provide with property, income, or a source of income.
To equip or supply with a talent or quality: Nature endowed you with a beautiful singing voice. To imagine as having a usually favorable trait or quality: endowed the family pet with human intelligence.
vt. 赋予;捐赠;天生具有
She is endowed with great musical ability.
He endowed the hospital with half his fortune.
Money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage. Also called dower.
A sum of money required of a postulant at a convent.
A natural endowment or gift; a talent.
n.=dowry 嫁妆;天资
The act of giving to a fund or cause.
A gift or grant.
n. 捐款,捐赠物;捐赠
She made a donation of $5,000 to the Children's Hospital.
The recipient of a gift
n. 受赠者,受赠人
One that contributes something, such as money, to a cause or fund.
Medicine. An individual from whom blood, tissue, or an organ is taken for transfusion, implantation, or transplant.
Chemistry. An atom, molecule, or ion that provides a part to combine with an acceptor, especially an atom that provides two electrons to form a bond with another atom.
Electronics. An element introduced into a semiconductor with a negative valence greater than that of the pure semiconductor.
n. 捐赠者;供者;赠送人 ;【医】供血者;献皮者;(器官等的)供者;【物】【电子】施主
dose doss长的蛮像的,241期讲哈
A specified quantity of a therapeutic agent, such as a drug or medicine, prescribed to be taken at one time or at stated intervals. The amount of radiation administered as therapy to a given site.
An ingredient added, especially to wine, to impart flavor or strength.
An amount, especially of something unpleasant, to which one is
To give (someone) a dose, as of medicine.
To give or prescribe (medicine) in specified amounts.
n. 剂量;一剂,一服
vi. 服药
vt. 给药;给…服药
Feverish patients were dosed with quinine.
anecdote an=un ec=ex ecdot-edit
A short account of an interesting or humorous incident.
pl. an·ec·dotes or an·ec·do·ta (-dōtə) Secret or hitherto undivulged particulars of history or biography.
n. 轶事;奇闻;秘史
She told us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients.
To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure. See Synonyms at forgive.
vt. 宽恕;赦免
pardon par= per, thoroughly
字面意思to give up someone’s fault thoroughly
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: pardoner, from Late Latin perdonare 'to give freely']
To release (a person) from punishment; exempt from penalty: a convicted criminal who was pardoned by the governor.
To let (an offense) pass without punishment.
To make courteous allowance for; excuse
The act of pardoning.
Law. Exemption of a convicted person from the penalties of an offense or crime by the power of the executor of the laws. An official document or warrant declaring such an exemption.
Allowance or forgiveness for an offense or a discourtesy: begged the host's pardon for leaving early.
n. 原谅;赦免;宽恕
vt. 原谅;赦免;宽恕
I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked.
Pardon me for not writing to you sooner.
forgive forget foreign
To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.
To renounce anger or resentment against.
To absolve from payment of (a debt, for example).
To accord forgiveness.
vt. 原谅;免除(债务、义务等)
vi. 表示原谅
He is not a man who forgives easily.
Will you forgive me the debt?