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日期:2011-10-01 20:29



(AmE also wreck) an accident in which a vehicle hits sth, for example another vehicle, usually causing damage and often injuring or killing the passengers:
a sudden loud noise made, for example, by sth falling or breaking
a sudden serious fall in the price or value of sth; the occasion when a business, etc. fails
a sudden failure of a machine or system, especially of a computer or computer system:
Of or characterized by an intensive effort to produce or accomplish
n. 碰撞;崩溃;坠落
vt. 坠落;破碎;撞碎
vi. 碰撞;坠毁;闯;突然倒台
adj. 速成的(加倍努力产生或完成的)

The motorcycle crashed into the fence.
A lot of passengers were killed in the train crash.

to break without dividing into separate parts; to break sth in this way
to break open or into pieces; to break sth in this way:
~ sth/sb (on / against sth) to hit sth/sb with a short hard blow
to make a sharp sound; to make sth do this:
Excelling in skill or achievement; first-rate
vt. 使破裂;打开;变声
vi. 破裂;爆裂
n. 裂缝;声变;噼啪声
adj.一流的,顶尖的, 最好的(短语 Be a crack shot 百发百中 )

crack the whip
To behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one's control.
crack down
To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrain:

The glass cracked when I poured icy water into it.
He is a crack baseball player.

A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.
A temporary partial paralysis of habitually or excessively used muscles.
cramps Spasmodic contractions of the uterus, such as those occurring during menstruation or labor, usually causing pain in the abdomen that may radiate to the lower back and thighs.
To affect with or as if with a cramp.
To restrict or prevent from free action or expression.
n. 痉挛,绞痛;[五金] 铁夹钳
vt. 束缚,限制;使…抽筋;以铁箍扣紧
adj. 狭窄的;受限制的

Her education was cramped by her lack of money.
The swimmer was seized with a cramp and had to be helped out of the water.

To crush or crunch with the teeth.
To strike heavily with a crunching sound.
To make a crunching sound, especially in walking over snow.
A crunching sound. The sound of an exploding shell.
A heavy blow.
n. 嘎吱声;爆炸声;重击
vi. 发嘎吱嘎吱声;猛烈爆炸
vt. 嘎吱作响地嚼

A very small piece broken from a baked item, such as a cookie, cake, or bread.
A small fragment, scrap, or portion: eraser crumbs; not a crumb of kindness for you.
The soft inner portion of bread
To break into very small pieces; crumble.
To cover or prepare with very small pieces of bread.
To brush (a table or cloth) clear of small scraps or fragments of food.
n. 面包屑,碎屑;少许
vt. 弄碎;捏碎

He gave me a few crumbs of information about the writer.
She crumbed the bread before feeding it to the birds.

  • radiatev. 放射,散发,辐射
  • affectvt. 影响,作用,感动
  • habituallyadv. 习惯地;日常地
  • involuntaryadj. 非自愿的,无意的,不由自主的
  • restrictvt. 限制,约束
  • paralysisn. 瘫痪
  • portionn. 部分,份,命运,分担的责任
  • muscularadj. 肌肉的,肌肉发达的
  • fragmentn. 碎片 v. 变成碎片 [计算机] 碎片
  • repressv. 抑制,镇压,压制