tusk [tʌsk] (k无意)
either of the two long pointed teeth which stick out from the mouth of some animals such as elephants.
n. 长牙;尖头,尖形物
vt. 以牙刺戳;以长牙掘
1. an artificial replacement of one or several of the teeth (partial denture), or all of the teeth (full denture) of either or both jaws; dental prosthesis.
2. a set of teeth
n. 齿列,托牙;一副假牙
indent [in'dent, 'indent]
to start a line of print or writing further away from the edge of the page than the other lines
Chiefly British An official requisition or purchase order for goods.
vt. 缩排;印凹痕;【主英】订(货)
vi. 切割成锯齿状
n. 缩进;订货单;凹痕;契约
We usually indent the first line of a paragraph.
The sea indents the coast.
indenture [in'dentʃə]
A document in duplicate having indented edges
Often indentures A contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified term.
A deed or legal contract executed between two or more parties
To bind into the service of another by indenture
n. 契约;合同
vt. 以契约约束
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people own bonds without reading the indenture.
edentulous[i:'dentʃuləs] e=ex=out
lacking teeth; toothless
adj. [脊椎] 缺齿的,[脊椎] 无齿的
Lacking teeth
Of or belonging to the order Edentata, which includes mammals having few or no teeth, such as anteaters, armadillos, and sloths.
A member of the Edentata.
n. [脊椎] 贫齿类动物
adj. 无齿的;贫齿类的;贫齿目的(属于贫齿目的,包括无齿和少齿的哺乳动物,如食蚁兽、犰狳和树懒)
ledger ['ledʒə] 赖着
a book in which items are regularly recorded, especially business activities and money received or paid
n. 总帐,分户总帐;[会计] 分类帐;帐簿;底帐;(手脚架上的)横木
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On the other hand, there were positive effects and those were added up on the other side of the ledger.