EU 优
eugenics[ju:'dʒeniks] gen=gene生产,生
(biology) a unit inside a cell which controls a particular quality in a living thing that has been passed on from its parents
n. 优生学
eulogy['ju:lədʒi] log=leg legend
~ (of / to sb/sth) a speech or piece of writing praising sb/sth very much
~ (for / to sb) (especially AmE) a speech given at a funeral praising the person who has died
n. 悼词;颂词;颂扬;赞词
He pronounced a eulogy upon the hero.
eupepsia [ju:'pepsiə,-si] peps-胃的词根;Pepsi 百事可乐
Good digestion.
n. 消化良好
euphony ['ju:fəni]
1 : pleasing or sweet sound especially : the acoustic effect produced by words so formed or combined as to please the ear
2 : a harmonious succession of words having a pleasing sound
n. 悦耳之音;悦耳;和谐的声音
euthanasia[,ju:θə'neizjə] Thanatos ['θænətɔs]【希腊神话】 萨那托斯(死神)
The term is borrowed from Greek euthanasíā, a compound based on the prefix eu- ‘good’ and thánatos ‘death’.
the act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer any more
n. 安乐死;安乐死术
普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选
So I have advocated active use of euthanasia in both circumstances.
evangel [i'vændʒəl]
The Christian gospel.
An evangelist.
n. 福音(书);佳音
euphemism['ju:fimizəm] phem=phon
a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word
n. 委婉语;委婉说法
耶鲁公开课 - 公正课程节选
Dudley describes their rescue in his diary with staggering euphemism.
euphoria[ju:'fɔ:riə]ph=f phor=fer拿;带来 ferry prefer Ferrari 以前讲的大家没忘吧
an extremely strong feeling of happiness and excitement which usually only lasts for a short time
n. (尤指因盲目乐观或过分自信所产生的)情绪高涨,兴奋,兴高采烈,精神欢快,心情愉快 ;【心理学】欣快症;欣快异常 ;[俚语](吸毒后的)陶醉感[亦作 euphory]
耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选
Perhaps that explains the feelings of euphoria.