alter['ɔ:ltə] 【根】alter=other(其他的)
to become different; to make sb/sth different
to make changes to a piece of clothing so that it will fit you better:
v 改变,更改
a change to sth that makes it different
the act of making a change to sth
n. 修改,改变;变更;改变(或改动)的结果;变样;变化;转变
My mother had to make some alterations in her new dress.
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If we had this sort of progressive all-radical alteration, not just minimal alteration, but radical alterations of my memory, my beliefs, my desires, my tastes.
altercate ['ɔ:ltəkeit]
to dispute angrily or noisily
vi. 争吵,发生口角;争论
altercation[,ɔ:ltə'keiʃən] discussion
n争论, 口角
The boys had an altercation over the umpire’s decision.
Throughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered.
争了半天, 没有一句话是切合实际的。
altruism ['æltruizəm] alter-altur-altru其它 +ism 主义
clew clue 类似还有 counter-contra 有的前辈把这种现象称为anagram
(formal) the fact of caring about the needs and happiness of other people more than your own
n. 利他;利他主义
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It actually can help us explain altruism.
alias['eiliæs] ali alien 其它地方的-外国的, 相异的, 不同的
used when giving the name that a person is generally known by, after giving their real name:
a false name, especially one used by a criminal
n. 别名,化名
adv. 别名叫;化名为
Either "Dan humphrey" is an alias Or your son is not very popular.
Regardless, I need that number.
alibi['ælibai] ali其它 bi=be存在 在其它的地方
evidence that proves that a person was in another place at the time of a crime and so could not have committed it
an excuse for sth that you have done wrong
To make an excuse for oneself
n. 【法律】(被告)不在犯罪现场(的申辩、事实或证据) [美国口语]借口,口实,托辞
v 辩解;找借口
He had an airtight alibi for that night.