chart charter cartoon
chart [tʃɒːt]
1. 名词 [c] (graph,diagram) 图表
2. 名词 (map) 海图
3. 及物动词 [+progress] [ development] 详述
4. 及物动词 [+land] [ sea] [ stars] 绘制
5. n pl [音] the charts 流行音乐排行榜
to be in the charts [record,pop group+] 在排行榜上
charter [ˈʧɑːrtər]
渣打银行 standard chartered
1. 名词[可数] 章程;宪章
2. 名词[可数] 特许,特许状
3. 名词[可数] (船只、 飞机或车辆的)包租
There is a wide selection of both schedule and charter flights available.
4. 及物动词 包租,包赁
He immediately chartered a plane to Paris the next day and made his meeting. 他立刻租了一架飞机,第二天飞去巴黎进行会面。
5. 及物动词 授予特许状
The university was chartered under the authority of the Ministry of Science.
6. 及物动词 租,租用,租下
progress protect tect detect discover detective
pro 向前 gress 走
regress re 向后
vi. 逆行,倒退;复归
n. 回归;退回
vt. 使…倒退
detect de表示除去之意
to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear, or to discover something, especially using a special method
I detected her cheating.
The police detected a spy.
to find information, a place or an object, especially for the first time
He discovered electricity.
Madame Curie discovered radium.
I discovered that I didn't have my money with me when I went to pay my bill.
discover: 指发现本来已经存在,后被人认识的事物、真理或情况。
detect: 正式用词,强调经过周密观察或研究而有所获得和发现,尤指发现有意隐藏之物。