权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第二季:丹妮莉丝带领族人求生(14)
日期:2017-02-10 08:02


权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第二季:逃亡的艾莉亚

I'm heading that way.I can take you there.
我恰好顺路 我能带你去
I bet you can.
Have you been at sea long? Or were there just no women where you came from?
None like you.
You don't know what I'm like.
Maybe you don't know what you're like. Maybe you need someone to teach you.
没准你也不知道自己是哪样的人 没准你需要有人好好调教一下
Do you know who I am?
You think I offer free rides to every man in jewelry, Lord Greyjoy?
你以为随便什么有钱人都能白坐我的马背吗 葛雷乔伊大人
Have my things sent up to the castle.
You should give me the reins. I'm a better rider than you. I've been on horseback for the past nine years.
你该让我来骑 我比你技术好多了 过去九年 我可是人不离鞍呐
Nine years? Do you still know your way around a ship? Have these hands ever touched a rope?
九年? 你还记得多少驾船之术?这双手可有碰过缆绳?
Don't you worry about my hands. The sea is in my blood.
不必为我的手担心 大海早已融入了我的血脉
Your blood will be in the sea if I don't watch where I'm going.
如果我不看路 这血脉可就要回归大海了
I have a proposal for my father, one that will make him king again, and me after him. You may get to stay in a castle tonight if you're lucky.
我有个好提议带给我父亲 一个可以令他再次称王的提议 而我 就是他的继承人 够幸运的话 你今晚没准能留在城堡里
Is that an offer from my future king?
An order from your future king. You can tell your grandchildren about this night.
是你未来国王的命令 你以后可以给子孙们讲述今晚的故事了
I don't imagine it will be a story fit for children.
