权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第二季:丹妮莉丝带领族人求生(8)
日期:2017-01-27 08:22


权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第二季:逃亡的艾莉亚

My father doesn't trust you Iron islanders.
I don't blame him.
He says that you're all reavers and rapers and that no matter how many women you have, you'll never be sat— !
他说你们是掠夺者和强奸犯 不管你们拥有多少女人 你们永远不会满——
Quit talking about your father. But he's right about us. Our wives from the Iron Islands,they're for breeding. That's not enough for us. That's why we take salt wives—the women we capture.
别提你父亲了 他对我们的看法正确得很呐 我们铁群岛的“岩妻”只负责给男人生儿育女 这无法使我们满足 所以我们从那些抢来的女人里边 挑选“盐妾”
Capture me. Take me with you when you go ashore. Make me your salt wife.
抢走我吧! 我可以同您一齐上岸 让我成为您的盐妾
Your place is on this ship.
Not after you leave. Father will punish me. He'll call me a whore.
您走后我怕是呆不下去了 父亲会惩罚我 他会责骂我是个妓女
I haven't paid you. Oh, yeah.
我可没给钱你 噢 噢
I paid good money... I barely touched her. Now, you charge twice as much as every other brothel and this is what I get— crying.
我花了大把的钱…她连碰都没让我碰 而我付的买春钱却是寻常妓院的两倍 我得到了什么?一直在哭!
One moment, my friend.A moment. Please accept my sincerest apologies. Aremca will take good care of you.
稍等片刻 我的朋友 稍等 请务必接受我最诚挚的歉意 兰卡会伺候好您的
