老友记 第2季:第2集 母乳(下)
日期:2016-09-27 09:55


Rachel: Oh, my God!
Monica: Wait, we only did it once. It didn't mean anything to me! Rachel, I was thinking of you the whole time.
Monica: Look, I'm sorry, all right. I never meant for you to find out.
听着,对不起,好吗? 我从没想过让你知道的。
Rachel: Oh, please! Please! You wanted to get caught!
Monica: That is not true!
Rachel: So you just happened to leave it in here?
Monica: Did it ever occur to you that I might just be that stupid?
Rachel: Okay, Monica, I just have to know one thing. Did you go with her to Bloomingdale's?
Rachel: Oh! Ok, ok, ok, I just really, uh, I just really need to not be with you right now.
Monica: Hi, who's this? Hi, Joanne. Is Rachel working? It's Monica.
Yes, I know I did a horrible thing. Joanne, it's not as simple as all that, ok?
No, I don't care what Steve thinks. Hi, Steve.
Carol: How did we do?
Phoebe: I tasted Ben's milk and Ross freaked out. -Ross: I did not freak out.
我尝了班的奶水,罗斯就抓狂了。 -我没有抓狂。
Carol: Why'd you freak out? -Ross: Because it's breast milk. It's gross!
你为什么抓狂? -因为那是母乳。很恶心!
Carol: My breast milk is gross? -Susan: This should be fun.
我的奶水很恶心? -这会很好玩。
Ross: No, no, Carol, there's nothing wrong with it. I just I just don't think breast milk is for adults.
Chandler: Of course, the packaging does appeal to grownups and kids.
Carol: Ross, you're being silly. I've tried it, it's no big deal. Come on, just taste it.
Ross: That would be no.
Phoebe: Come on. -Joey: Try it. -Phoebe: It's natural. It doesn't taste bad.
来嘛。 -尝一尝。 -很自然又不难吃。
Joey: Yeah, it tastes kind of sweet. Sort of like....
Ross: Like what? -Susan: Cantaloupe juice. -Joey: Exactly.
像什么? -哈密瓜汁。 -没错。
Ross: You've tasted it. You've tasted it. Oh, you've tasted it.
Carol: You can keep saying it, but it won't stop being true.
Ross: Give me the bottle. Get me the towel.
Chandler: Howdy. -Joey: Give me a box of juice. Well, they switched me over to Hombre.
你好(方言,不常用). -给我一罐果汁。他们把我调到“西班牙男人”了。
Chandler: Well, maybe it's because of the way you're dressed.
Joey: Or maybe it's because this guy's doing so good they wanna put more people on it. You should see this guy, Chandler, he goes through two bottles a day.
Chandler: What do you care? You're an actor. This is your day job. This isn't supposed to mean anything to you.
Joey: I know, but, I was the best, you know? I liked being the best. I don't know. Maybe I should just get outta the game. They need guys up in housewares to serve cheese.
Chandler: All right, say you do that. You know sooner or later somebody's gonna come along that slices a better cheddar. And then where're you gonna run?
Joey: Yeah I guess you're right.
Chandler: You're damn right I'm right. I say you show this guy what you're made of. I say you stand your ground. I say you show him that you are the baddest hombre west of the lingerie.
Joey: I'm gonna do it. -Chandler: All right. Now go see Miss Kitty and she'll fix you up with a nice hooker.
我要这么做! -好的,现在去找猫咪小姐,她会介绍个好妓女给你。
Monica: I don't know what else to say.
Rachel: Well that works out good, because I'm not listening.
Monica: I feel terrible, I really do.
Rachel: Oh, I'm sorry, did my back hurt your knife?
Monica: Rachel, say that I'm friends with her, we spend some time together. Is that so terrible? -Rachel: Yes.
瑞秋,即便我跟她交朋友,我们一起去逛街,这有那么糟糕吗? -是的。
Monica: It's that terrible? -Rachel: Yes, Monica. You don't get it! It's bad enough that she's stolen the guy who might actually be the person that I am supposed to be with, but now, she's actually, but now she's actually stealing you.
真的就那么糟糕? -是的,莫妮卡。你还没懂!她偷走我本应该与之长相厮守的男人已经够糟了…… 但现在她竟然…… 但是现在她竟然连你也要抢!
Monica: Me? What are you talking about? Nobody could steal me from you.
Monica: I mean, just because I'm friends with her doesn't make me any less friends with you.
I mean, you're my...We're, we're...-Oh, I love you! -I love you too!
我是说,你是我的……我们是,我们是…… -喔,我爱你! -我也爱你!
Phoebe: You guys, um I know that this really doesn't have anything to do with me, but um I love you guys too. Oh, I really needed that.
Monica: Look, I know that you're in a place right now where you really need to hate Julie's guts, but she didn't do anything wrong.
Monica: I mean, she was just a girl who met a guy, and now they go out.
Monica: I really think that if you gave her a chance, you'd like her.
Monica: Would you just give that a chance, for me?
Rachel: I'd do anything for you, you know that. -Monica: I'd do anything for you. -Phoebe: Wait, wait, wait, wait!
我愿意为你做任何事,你知道的。 -我什么都愿意为你做! -等等,等等,等等!
Joey: Mornin'. I said, mornin'.
Todd: I heard ya.
All right, everybody, I'm openin' the doors. You boys ready?
Todd: Ready. -Joey: Yeah, I'm ready.
You idiot, you stupid cowboy, you blinded me, I'm suing! -Oh my god, Todd! What the hell did you do?
你这个白痴!笨牛仔!你弄瞎我了!我要告你们! -天啊!陶德!你在搞什么鬼!
Todd: I'm sorry. I am such a doofus. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
Annabelle: My god, what happened?
Joey: These new kids, they never last. Sooner or later, they all...stop lastin'. Listen, uh, what do you say I buy you that cup of coffee now?
Annabelle: Sure.
Julie: So. -Rachel: So. I just thought the two of us should hang out for a bit. I mean, you know, we've never really talked. I guess you'd know that, being one of the two of us, though, right?
那么…… -那么,我想我们应该亲近亲近。我的意思是,你知道的,我们从来没有真正谈过话。我猜你知道的,你是我们两个之一,对吧?
Julie: I know, I probably shouldn't even tell you this, but I'm pretty much totally intimidated by you.
我知道,我也许不该告诉你…… 但我实在很怕你。
Rachel: Really? Me?
Julie: Oh my god, are you kidding? Ross is so crazy about you, and I really wanted you to like me, and, it's probably me being totally paranoid, but I kinda got the feeling that maybe you don't.
哦,天呐,你在开玩笑吗?罗斯对你很着迷,我真的希望你喜欢我。也许我只是胡思乱想…… 但我好像觉得你不喜欢我。
Rachel: Well, you're not totally paranoid. -Julie: Oy.
你不是完全胡思乱想。 -好吧。
Rachel: Um, ok, uh, oh god, um, when you and uh Ross first started going out, it was really hard for me, um, for many reasons, which I'm not gonna bore you with now.
Rachel: But um, I just, I see how happy he is, you know, and how good you guys are together, and um, Monica's always saying how nice you are, and god I hate it when she's right.
Julie: Thanks. Hey, listen, would you like to go to a movie sometime or something?
Rachel: Yeah, that'd be great. I'd love it. JULIE: I'd love it too. -Rachel: Ok.
好啊,这样很好,我很乐意。 -我也很乐意。 -好。
Julie: Shoot, I gotta go. So, I'll talk to you later. Ok? -All right, Julie. Bye.
讨厌,我必须要走了。回头见,好吧? -好的,茱莉,再见。
Rachel: What a manipulative bitch.
Ross: It's not bad.

  • appealn. 恳求,上诉,吸引力 n. 诉诸裁决 v. 求助,诉
  • borevt. 使厌烦 n. 讨厌的人,麻烦事 v. 钻孔,开凿
  • manipulativeadj. 操纵的,巧妙处理的
  • paranoidn. (=paranoiac)患妄想狂者 adj. 类似