权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第10集:血火同源(22)
日期:2016-09-20 16:11


权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第10集:血火同源

I have 20 this time, men and boys all bound for the Wall. Your lord father gave me the pick of the dungeons

这回我弄到二十个人有大人 有小孩 全都送去长城你父亲大人让我自己去牢里挑人

And I didn't find no little lordlings down there. This lot, half of them would turn you over to the king quick as spit for a pardon.


And the other half would do the same, except they'd rape you first. So keep to yourself.


And when you piss, do it in the woods alone. You stay with this lot, boy. And stay.

要撒尿就自个儿到林子里撒你和这帮人待着 小子别乱跑

Or I'll lock you in the back of the wagon with these three. Watch yourself, midget. He's got a sword, this one.

不然你就跟他们仨锁在马车后面看路 小矮子他竟然有一把剑

What's a gutter rat like you doing with a sword? Maybe he's a little squire. He ain't no squire. Look at him.

你这种贱人要剑干嘛说不定是哪家的小跟班他才不是啥跟班 你瞧瞧

He looks like a girl. I bet he stole that sword. Let's have a look.

简直就一娘们儿我敢打赌 八成是偷来的拿来瞧瞧

I could use me a sword like that. Take it off him. Give it here, midget. Look at him!

我倒很想有这么一把剑哩你去抢来啊 拿剑来 小矮子你看这家伙

You'd better give Hot Pie the sword. I've seen him kick a boy to death. I knocked him down and I kicked him in the balls

你最好把剑拿给热派他以前把一个男孩活活踢死了我把他揍倒在地 然后猛踢他老二

And I kept kicking him until he was dead. I kicked him all to pieces. You better give me that sword! You want it?

一直踢到他死为止我把他踢得稀烂你最好把剑拿来 你想要吗

I'll give it to you. I already killed one fat boy. I bet you never killed anyone.

我可以给你我杀过一个小胖子我敢打赌 你没杀过人

I bet you're a liar. But I'm not. I'm good at killing fat boys. I like killing fat boys.

你刚才那是撒谎 但我是说真的我最会杀小胖子最喜欢杀小胖子
