日期:2013-05-08 05:37


《纸牌屋》 House of Cards

导演: 大卫·芬奇 / 詹姆斯·弗雷 / 卡尔·弗兰克林 / 乔·舒马赫

编剧: Beau Willimon / Michael Dobbs

主演: 凯文·史派西 / 凯特·玛拉 / 罗宾·怀特 / 迈克尔·凯利 / 克里斯汀·康奈利 / Sakina Jaffrey / 拉里·派恩 / Reuel Pendleton / 寇瑞·斯托尔

类型: 剧情

首播日期: 2013-02-01(美国)

集数: 13

单集片长: 60分钟

又名: 棋牌馆 / 众议院要人

剧情简介:Set in present day Washington, D.C., House of Cards is the story of Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a Democrat from South Carolina's 5th congressional district and the House Majority Whip, who after getting passed over for appointment to Secretary of State, decides to exact his revenge on those who betrayed him. The series also stars Robin Wright, Kate Mara, and Corey Stoll in lead roles.



《圣经故事》 The Bible

导演: 托尼·米歇尔 Tony Mitchell / Crispin Reece

主演: 迪奥戈·莫加多 / Laurie Calvert / Paul Marc Davis / Amber Rose Revah / 兰利·柯克伍德 / Soraya Radford / Fraser Ayres / Eddie Elks

类型: 历史

首播日期: 2013-03-03(美国)

集数: 10

单集片长: 120分钟

又名: 圣经

剧情简介:The series covers "Genesis to Revelation" in "one grand narrative," within five two-hour parts, each containing two or three biblical stories told through live action and computer-generated imagery. According to Burnett, it included "obvious" stories such as Noah's Ark, the Exodus, and the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Five hours are taken from the Old Testament, five from the New. The series is based on the New International Version and the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.



《杀手信徒》 The Following

导演: 马科斯·西恩加

编剧: 凯文·威廉姆森

主演: 凯文·贝肯 / 杰姆斯·鲍弗 / Maggie Grace / Natalie Zea

类型: 惊悚

首播日期: 2013-01-21

季数: 1

集数: 15

单集片长: 45分钟

又名: 杀手之王 / 跟踪

剧情简介:In Entertainment Weekly, features TV writer Melissa Maerz wrote in a preview article, "Purefoy plays Joe Carroll, a former college professor who taught the works of Poe and killed young women in the gothic hero's honor—until he got caught. Since then he's been spending hours on a computer in the prison library, building a social network of copycat killers who hang on his every command. When the series begins, he's just escaped from death row with help from those followers, and the FBI calls in former agent Ryan Hardy (Bacon)—who brought down Joe the first time—to consult on the case".

在《娱乐周刊》中,本片编剧Melissa Maerz在一篇预告文中写道:“Purefoy扮演一位前大学教授Joe Carroll,他在课堂上讲爱伦·坡的作品却同时为了哥特式的英雄荣誉杀害年轻女性——直到他被捕。从那时起,他花费大量的时间在监狱图书馆的电脑上,建立起一个盲目听从他的每一个命令的杀手社交网络。这部剧开始时,他刚在那些信徒的帮助下逃离出死囚牢房,FBI向曾经抓获此人的前探员Ryan Hardy (Bacon饰)咨询该案。


《贝兹旅馆》 Bates Motel

导演: Tucker Gates

编剧: Robert Bloch / Anthony Cipriano / Carlton Cuse / Kerry Ehrin / Jeff Wadlow

主演: 维拉·法米加 / 弗莱迪·海默 / 妮可拉·佩尔茨 / Jenna Romanin / Carolyn Adair / Brittney Wilson / 杰尔·伯恩斯 / 马克斯·希尔莱耶 / 理查德·哈蒙 / Diana Bang / Mercedes de la Zerda / Matt Ellis / 康奇塔·坎贝尔 / Olivia Cooke / 内斯特·卡博内尔 / 基冈·康纳·特雷西 / 迈克·沃格尔 / Emmalyn Estrada / Hiro Kanagawa

类型: 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 恐怖

首播日期: 2013-03-18

集数: 10

单集片长: 60分钟

又名: 贝兹汽车旅馆 / 惊魂序曲 / 贝茨旅馆

剧情简介:The series, inspired by the novel Psycho by Robert Bloch and Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 film of the same name, depicts the life of Norman Bates and his mother Norma prior to the events portrayed in Hitchcock's film, albeit in a different fictional town ("White Pine Bay, Oregon," as opposed to the film's "Fairvale, California") and in a modern, 21st-century setting. The series begins after the death of Norma's husband, when she purchases a motel located in a coastal Oregon town so she and Norman can start a new life.

被Robert Bloch的小说和1960年希区柯克执导的电影《惊魂记》启发,这部剧描述了Norman Bates和他的母亲Norma在希区柯克电影里的事件发生之前的生活,尽管故事发生在一个不同的虚构小镇(俄勒冈的白松湾,而不是电影中的加州费韦尔镇)和一个现代的21世纪的布景。这部剧开始于Norma在丈夫死后买下了坐落于俄勒冈海滨小镇的一间汽车旅馆,在那里他们开始了新的生活。


《汉尼拔》 Hannibal

编剧: 布莱恩·福勒 / 弗兰克·哈里斯

主演: 休·丹西 / 麦德斯·米科尔森 / 卡洛琳·达芙娜 / Lara Jean Chorostecki / 阿隆·艾布拉姆斯 / 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 / 斯考蒂·汤姆森

类型: 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪

首播日期: 2013-04-04

集数: 13

单集片长: 60分钟

剧情简介:The series is based on characters and elements appearing in the novel Red Dragon by Thomas Harris and focuses on the budding relationship between FBI special investigator Will Graham and Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a forensic psychiatrist destined to become Graham's most cunning enemy.

这部剧根据Thomas Harris的小说《沉默的赤龙》中的角色和元素改编而成。它着重描写FBI特别探员Will Graham和善辩的精神病学家Hannibal Lecter博士之间初萌的复杂关系,博士注定会成为探员最狡猾的敌人。


《达芬奇的恶魔》 Da Vinci's Demons

编剧: 大卫·S·高耶

主演: 汤姆·莱利 / 拉娜·普尔弗

类型: 剧情 / 传记 / 历史

首播日期: 2013-04-12

季数: 1

集数: 8

单集片长: 40分钟

又名: 达芬奇侠传

剧情简介:The series is being written by David S. Goyer and marks the first collaborative effort between Starz and BBC Worldwide under a new co-production agreement formed after the production of Torchwood: Miracle Day. Described as an historical fantasy, the series will explore the untold story of da Vinci "inventing" the future at the age of 25. The series mythology is also rumored to involve the mystery cult known as the Sons of Mithras.

这部由David S. Goyer创作的剧标志着Starz和BBC电视台在推出《火炬木:奇迹的一天》之后的第一次合作。被形容为历史奇幻剧,这部戏将探索达芬奇在25岁创造未来时不为人知的故事。另一个关于此神话剧的流言则是它将设计到被称作”密特拉之子“的神秘宗教。


《凯莉日记》 The Carrie Diaries

导演: Miguel Arteta

编剧: Amy Harris

主演: 安娜索菲亚·罗伯 / 斯蒂芬妮娅·欧文 / 奥斯汀·巴特勒 / 凯蒂·芬德莱 / 艾伦·王 / 弗莉玛·阿吉曼 / 布兰登·杜林

类型: 喜剧 / 爱情

首播日期: 2013-01-14(美国)

集数: 13

单集片长: 40分钟

又名: 凯丽日记 / 凯瑞日记

剧情简介:The Carrie Diaries is an American teen drama television series on The CW. It is a prequel to the HBO television series Sex and the City and based on the book of the same name by Candace Bushnell. The first season of the show focuses on Carrie Bradshaw during her junior year of high school in 1984, and she explores life in New York while interning at a law office。



《扭曲青春》 Twisted

导演: Jon Amiel

编剧: Adam Milch

主演: Finise Avery / 凯莉·班伯里 / Kylie Bunbury / Grey Damon / Maddie Hasson / 阿万·乔贾

类型: 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 恐怖

首播日期: 2013-3-20

集数: 13

单集片长: 40

剧情简介:The series focuses on 16-year-old Danny Desai, who returns to his hometown after killing his aunt 5 years prior. While trying to rekindle old friendships and fit in with his judgmental peers, Danny becomes the prime suspect in the murder of a fellow classmate.

这部剧讲述了16岁的 Danny Desai 在五年前杀害了他的阿姨被释放回家乡的故事。当他正试着重新与老朋友联络并适应同伴们审判的眼光时,却再一次因为一名同学的被杀成为了头号嫌疑犯。

小编点评:因为去年年底康州发生的 Sandy Hook 惨案,很多观众担心这部剧将不被ABC播出。最终这部剧还是如期在三月份播出,对青少年题材感兴趣的同学不妨看一看。

《铁杉树丛》 Hemlock Grove

导演: 伊莱·罗斯

编剧: 伊莱·罗斯

主演: 比尔·斯卡斯加德 / 法米克·詹森 / Emilia McCarthy / Aaron Douglas / 伊莲娜·琼斯

类型: 科幻 / 惊悚 / 恐怖

首播日期: 2013-04-19

集数: 13

单集片长: 60分钟

剧情简介:A young girl is brutally murdered and found near the former Godfrey steel mill. As rumors mount, two of the suspects in her killing—Peter Rumancek, a 17-year-old Gypsy trailer trash kid rumored to be a werewolf, and Roman, the heir to the Godfrey estate—decide to find the killer themselves.

一个女孩被残酷谋杀并被抛弃在戈德弗雷家族的钢厂附近。谣言四起,被认为是狼人的17岁吉普赛问题少年彼得·鲁曼切克(Peter Rumancek)和戈德弗雷家族的继承人罗曼·戈弗雷(Roman Godfrey)成为了嫌疑人。为了证明自己的清白,他们决定自己找出凶手。


《美国谍梦》 The Americans

导演: 加文·欧康诺 / 亚当·阿金 / Alex Chapple / Holly Dale / 让·德·塞贡扎克 / Daniel Sackheim / 托马斯·施拉梅

编剧: Joseph Weisberg / Joel Fields

主演: Keri Russell

类型: 剧情

首播日期: 2013-01-30

集数: 13

单集片长: 60分钟

又名: 美国人 / 赤色公民

剧情简介:Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s (starting in 1981), The Americans is the story of Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip Jennings (Matthew Rhys), two Soviet KGB officers posing as American citizens and a married couple, with the intent of ensuring government communications as well as the prevention of anti-Soviet activities.

故事背景设定在二十世纪80年代冷战时期,《美国谍梦》讲述了 Elizabeth 和 Philip Jennings 两个前苏联克格勃间谍乔装成夫妻在华盛顿郊区收集情报的故事。他们在保证政府情报的同事还要阻止反苏联的活动。

  • gracen. 优美,优雅,恩惠 vt. 使荣耀,使优美
  • cultn. 宗教膜拜仪式,异教,狂热崇拜,个人崇拜
  • psychiatristn. 精神病医师,精神病学家
  • revelationn. 揭露,泄露,发觉
  • previewn. 预审,查阅,预习,预告 vt. 事先查看,查阅,预
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • prioradj. 优先的,更重要的,在前的 adv. 居先,在前
  • groven. 小树林,果树园
  • albeitconj. 即使;虽然
  • narrativen. 叙述,故事 adj. 叙事的,故事体的