Spotted at the Roosevelt Hotel: Chuck and Blair gambling with their love. Will the odds be in Chair’s favor?
Rejoice Chair fans! It looks like we can expect some much-needed PDA between our beloved Chuck (Ed Westwick) and Blair (Leighton Meester) soon.
The two were spotted filming at the Roosevelt Hotel on March 30 and just look at Blair’s fingertips grazing Chuck’s, plus his smile. It looks like they’re finally happy together!
As TVline.com recently reported, executive producer Josh Safran said that in the season finale the Chuck/Blair/Dan (Penn Badgley) love triangle will finally come to an end.
Hopefully these photos are a big clue as to which spade Queen B will ultimately choose.
《绯闻女孩》片场大探班,罗斯福大饭店现场报道!Chuck 与Blair有爱互动!所有Clair的粉丝们总算要熬出头盼到他俩重修旧好的一天了!上月末,两人在罗斯福大饭店的片场被目击同坐牌桌,小手钩钩,相视微笑。看到Chuck甜蜜的笑颜,也许两人和好的一天不远了!外媒最近采访了《绯闻女孩》的制作人 Josh Safran,他表示这一季的最后,Chuck/Blair/Dan之间的三角恋会有个结局,会给粉丝们一个交代!我们都希望这张照片会按时Blair最终的选择!