One of the hardest working actors in the biz, Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) will join the unemployed in the CBS Film, Get a Job. The timely film will also star Anna Kendrick (Up In The Air) and Miles Teller (Project X) while Nick Braun (Prom), Alison Brie (Community), Brandon T. Jackson (Tropic Thunder), Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Fright Night) and Jay Pharoah (Saturday Night Live) round out the cast in this multi-generational comedy about four college graduates who are quick to notice that their high post-graduate aspirations don’t match up with their harsh reality.
Teller plays Will Davis who is suffering through an entry level job when he stumbles on his true calling. Cranston plays Roger Davis, Will’s father who is also hunting for his ideal career path. Kendrick will play Jillian, Will’s girlfriend who has her future mapped out. Braun, Mintz-Plasse and Jackson will play Will’s three friends, (Charlie, Ethan and Luke, respectively), each of whom find careers with some interesting results. Brie will play Tanya, one of the group’s sharp-witted co-workers. Pharoah will play Skeezy D, who starts his own recession-proof business.
This is a likable cast with some underrated comedic talent. It’s so easy to forget that Cranston can do comedy, from Drive to The Lincoln Lawyer, to Contagion, the man is a chameleon. But he’s also done a bulk of voice work in animation including Family Guy, American Dad!, Robot Chicken, and Batman: Year One. Heisenberg is also going to show up in this week’s John Carter, Rock of Ages, Total Recall, and Ben Affleck’s last film, Argo. Let’s not forget his appearance in the two-part season 3 finale of Archer! Here at BuzzFocus he’ll be best known as the meth-cooking, cancer-beating, anti-hero Walter White. Ironically he’s still probably best known by mainstream audiences as Hal, the father on Malcolm in the Middle. So we’ll be sure to keep Get a Job on our radar to see how Cranston is going to make us laugh again.
Not to be outdone, Kendrick is in six films that will be released later this year including The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2. Ever since her Oscar-nominated role in Up in the Air, Kendrick got her geek credit when she starred in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Seth Rogen’s cancer comedy, 50/50. Between Kendrick and Cranston, Teller will have plenty to play off of and we’re always delighted to see Brie get more work, especially if NBC keeps toying with the future of Community.
CBS Films is releasing the film under the production of Michael Shamberg and Stacey Sher (Django Unchained, Contagion) of Double Feature Films and Maria Faillace and Ryan Conroy of CBS Films are attached to produce. Dylan Kidd (Children’s Hospital) is attached to direct the film from a screenplay by Kyle Pennekamp and Scott Turpel. Filming will begin March 12.
由CBS Films制作的喜剧电影《求职记》(Get a Job)公布首批演员名单:暮色女星安娜·肯德里克、迈尔斯·特勒(《X计划》)、 美剧《废柴联盟》主演爱丽森·布里等80后新近崛起的明星共同加盟。而老戏骨布莱恩·科兰斯顿也会在其中饰演一个重要角色。
迈尔斯·特勒饰演Will Davis:经历过一次职场竞争后,他发现了属于自己的真正的天职。安娜·肯德里克饰演:Jillian Stewart:Will的女友,对人生有着严谨的计划,并一丝不苟的付之于行动。布莱恩·科兰斯顿饰演Roger Davis:Will的老爸,虽然已过不惑之年,却和儿子一样,也在焦头烂额寻找工作。爱丽森·布里饰演Tanya:群体中一个聪明的姑娘。