日期:2012-01-18 08:05




Garrett:So...Happy birthday. 那么,生日快乐。

Amy:Oh. Thank you...for the takeout. 谢谢……你买的快餐。

Garrett:Sure. It's the least I could do. It's your birthday. 当然。我至少能做这些。今天是你的生日。

Amy:Heh. So? 那么……

Garrett:Oh, yeah, right. But Dan's home, so we gotta go to the bedroom. 哦,是的。对。但是Dan在家,我们得到卧室去。

Amy:Oh. Are we done in here? 就没别的了?

Garrett:Yeah, we finished eating. What? 是啊,我们不是吃完了吗?怎么了?

Amy:I just thought that this might be a great moment for you to give me my gift. 我就是想,这个时候正适合你送给我生日礼物。

Garrett:Oh, shit. Amy, I didn't get you anything. You told me that you didn't want me to get you anything. What's happening? Oh, God. Are you crying? 哦。该死。我什么都没给你买。你告诉我不用给你买任何东西。怎么了?哦,上帝。你哭了?

Amy:No. 是的。

Garrett:I have missed something here, baby. So you wanted a present? 我搞错什么了吗,宝贝儿?那么,你是想要礼物了?

Amy:Garrett, I tell you not to get me something, so you want to get me something really great, because I'm the girlfriend that didn't ask for anything. 我告诉你不用给我买东西,所以你才会给我买真正好的礼物,因为你的女友毫无所求。

Garrett:What? Okay, you know what, let's go. I'll get you something now. 什么?好吧,咱们走。我现在就给你买点什么。

Amy:It is not about the goddamn gift. 这不是见鬼的礼物的问题。

Garrett:It just was about the gift. When did it become not about the gift? 不就是有关礼物吗?什么时候又不是礼物的问题了?

Amy:It's bigger than this. It's a combination of a lot of things①. I've invested so much myself in this relationship② and I don't feel like you're doing the same. I don't even know if you're into this. ③Are you? 事情比礼物的事儿大多了。这是很多问题的集合体。对于这段关系我深深投入。可是我不觉得你和我一样。我甚至不知道你到底在乎这段感情与否。你在乎吗?

Garrett:Sure. 当然。

Amy:Oh, my God. 哦,我的上帝。

Garrett:Ah, Amy, come on. 别这样。

Amy:Don't even think about calling me again. 连打电话给我的事儿都不要再想了。

Garrett: Oh, Jesus. Amy, wait, wait, wait. I should not call you or I should want to call you? Okay, so it means what it means. Good.哦,上帝。等等。我不能打给你,还是我应该要打给你。好吧。看来是说的是什么意思就是什么意思了。好。


1.it's a combination of a lot of things。combination, 联合体,结合体。a combination of 一个……的结合体。这里指礼物只是小事儿,不送生日礼物的事儿折射出了很多二人之间的问题。

2.invested so much myself in this relationship. Invest…in 投入,更常用于指投入时间、金钱等做某事。比如:He invested a lot of time in trying to help retarded children. 他把大量时间花在设法帮助弱智儿童上。

3.if you’re into this. 这个用法我们在欧美影视剧中非常常见。口语中,into指对……有兴趣;热衷于,入迷。比如:She’s really into pop music. 她很迷流行音乐。He is very deep into computers. 他痴迷于电脑。

不上心的结果就是女友佛袖而去。也许,the right girl 还没有出现。一旦出现,Garrett还会这么无所谓吗?我们下期继续这段双城之恋。
