你是否还记得《哈利• 波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》中卢平教授的冷静与善良,《暮光之城》中雅各布的忠诚与勇敢?虽为狼人,他们却为了维护正义而战。好莱坞电影中的狼人形象一改过去单一的邪恶性格,他们有自己的情感和立场。狼人的形象越来越饱满,也越来越有人情味儿。本文就介绍了一些好莱坞电影中的经典狼人形象。
A real Hollywood fairy tale is the rarest thing in the world. Hollywood is more comfortable with myth and legend. Werewolves have long been a tradition in Hollywood, yet not all the werewolves are horrifying, cruel and evil.
Lon Chaney, Jr. as Larry Talbot in The Wolf Man
As a pretext to converse with Gwen, the girl he fell in love with, Larry Talbot purchases a silver-headed walking stick decorated with a wolf. Trying to rescue Gwen's friend Jenny from a werewolf, he is bitten in the process. On the first night of the full moon, Talbot transforms into a wolflike creature and stalks the village, first killing the local gravedigger. Talbot retains vague memories of being a werewolf and wanting to kill, and continually struggles to overcome his condition. He is finally bludgeoned to death by his father with his own silver walking stick. It’s regarded as the most touching werewolf movie in Hollywood.
拉里• 塔尔博特爱上了少女格温,为了与她搭话,他买了一个以狼的图案作为装饰的银头手杖。在解救格温的朋友珍妮的过程中,塔尔博特被狼人咬伤。在第一个月圆之夜,他变成了狼人并开始在村中追踪猎物。他首先杀死了一个当地的掘墓人。在清醒时,他依稀记得自己变身为狼时的嗜杀,并一直试图阻止自己杀人。最终,塔尔博特被父亲用白银手杖击中而死,父亲所用的白银手杖正是塔尔博特自己买的那根。这是迄今为止好莱坞最感人的一部狼人影片。
Hugh Jackman as Gabriel Van Helsing in Van Helsing
《范海辛》中的加百利•范海辛 (休•杰克曼饰)
Van Helsing was a vampire hunter and he led his team to fight the evil Dracula, during which he was bitten by a werewolf and turned into one when the next full moon occurred. In the end, he turned back into a human being after receiving the cure injection. Van Helsing is undoubtedly the representation of all that is positive. He is the man of knowledge who solves the mystery of the attacks on Lucy, a victim of Dracula; he is the fearless leader in the hunt to track down Dracula; he provides the moral inspiration to bolster the others as they contend with the horrors of the vampire.
David Thewlis as Remus Lupin in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
《哈利•波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》中的莱姆斯•卢平 (戴维•休里斯饰)
Professor Remus Lupin was very intelligent, calm, tolerant, gentle, and good-natured. At an early age, Remus was bitten by a werewolf and became a werewolf himself. When it came to defending his friends and loved ones, Remus was selfless and courageous. He leaped between Harry and a Death Eater during the battle of the Department of Mysteries to protect Harry. Remus was also enraged when he learnt the truth about Peter Pettigrew, a friend of him and the Potters (Harry's parents), betraying Harry's parents to Voldemort, and was actually prepared to kill him for it, showing that he valued loyalty.
Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black in Twilight
Jacob was described as a happy person who extends this happiness to the people around him. He is both loyal and brave. As Jacob's character emerges in New Moon, he is shown to be cheery, passionate, and adventurous, but hot-headed. Jacob is also able to shape-shift at will into a giant wolf, and sometimes when angered he will involuntarily change form.
1. Lon Chaney, Jr.: 小朗• 钱尼,是美国知名的角色演员,以怪物电影的角色知名。在电影《狼人》中饰演狼人拉里• 塔尔博特。
2. stalk: 悄悄地追踪(或靠近)(猎物、敌人等);gravedigger: 掘墓人。
3. bludgeon: 用大头棒打(或打倒),重击。
4. Hugh Jackman: 休• 杰克曼,是澳大利亚演员,在电影《范海辛》中饰演吸血鬼猎人受到了大众的赏识,更因饰演《X战警》系列中的金钢狼 而闻名。
5. David Thewlis: 戴维• 休里斯,英国演员、导演、小说家、 诗人、画家和音乐家。
6. Taylor Lautner: 泰勒• 劳特纳,好莱坞新生代男星。
7. hot-headed: 急性子的、鲁莽的。