Former Girlfriends star Persia White has been cast as Abby Bennett, the mother who abandoned Bonnie (Kat Graham), on The Vampire Diaries, EW has learned exclusively. She’ll first appear in episode 312 and recur. Abby is described as a beautiful but troubled woman who is burdened by the secrets of her past that led her to leave Bonnie. She's also "as determined and fiery as any Bennett woman." Is that code for "she's also a witch," or, perhaps, was there a reason we learned in last week's episode that someone can be either a witch or a vampire but never both?
EW独家报道,之前出演过美剧《女朋友》的女星Persia White将会在《吸血鬼日记》中扮演遗弃Bonnie的妈妈Abby Bennett。她将会在第三季12集首次登场,并在之后多次出现。Abby是一个拥有迷人美貌却麻烦多多的女人,过去的秘密让她无比困扰,也是因为这些秘密让她遗弃了Bonnie。同时她也有Bennett家女人标准的果断、易怒性格。她是不是也是个巫师?上周的剧情告诉我们巫师和吸血鬼只能选其一。
The network's top-rated show then returns Jan. 5 with episode 310, which, as first reported by The Hollywood Reporter, will feature Torrey DeVitto, star of Pretty Little Liars and wife of TVD's Paul Wesley, in a recurring role as a doctor who's intrigued by Alaric's powers of recovery.
CW电视网收视最高的剧集《吸血鬼日记》第3季第10集冬歇回归日期是在1月5日(美国时间),据Hollywood Reporter报道,这一集将会有《美少女的谎言》女演员同时也是Paul Wesley(Stefan扮演者)的妻子客串,她将扮演一个对Alaric神奇会复原能力产生兴趣的医生,这个角色将会多次出现。