After ten years of coffee-house meetings, on-and-off romances, and memories both hilarious and heartwarming, the series wrapped up with fans feeling a sense of closure. Ross and Rachel were in it for good, Monica and Chandler had twins, Phoebe was happily married to Mike, and Joey had a new chick and a duck. With new sets of goals all around, the characters seemed ready to move on with their lives, but the same can't be said for us. Much like Monica's purple-walled apartment in the final scene, we will always be a little empty without our Friends.
ER 《急症室的故事》
No matter how many docs came through County General over the 15 years the show aired, it was the storytelling that made us care so much. That said, the ending gave us what we wanted: a big-scale medical emergency and a chance to say goodbye to favorites we remembered so well. We got to reminisce about Dr. Mark Greene when his daughter Rachel toured the hospital and ended up going out for drinks with some of the cast members who defined the show for us, including John Carter, Peter Benton, Kerry Weaver, Elizabeth Corday, and Susan Lewis. It was the poignant goodbye we wanted.
24 《24小时》
We knew there'd be no happy ending for Kiefer Sutherland's CTU agent, constant-savior-of-the-world Jack Bauer, but we did get to see him let loose as what he was trained to be and always tried to transcend: a remorseless killer. He became a true vigilante, claiming ''I am judge and jury.''. As Ken Tucker wrote at the time: ''Finally, in his greatest moments of grief and fury, he showed us the most vulnerable, despairing side of the man of action.'' And we got our touching Chloe/Jack moment when he told her ''I never thought it would be you who would cover my back after all these years.”
With all its resolutions, new beginnings, and flash-forwards, the finale really seemed to neatly wrap-up the lives of the Fisher clan. It wasn't nearly the weepfest that the funeral for Nate was, but who could forget the haunting notes of Sia's ''Breathe Me'' playing throughout the final six minutes as Claire drove away.
So much about this ender is great, but we're going to single out the parade of past favorites who file into the courtroom to testify against Jerry and the gang — who're on trial for, well, being horrible people. Here's to you, Soup Nazi, Virgin, and Sidra Holland.
有太多的人对这部剧交口称赞了,而我们却要选出一队人来指证杰瑞这伙人,他们都是谁呢?瞧好了,都牛着呢!他们就是Soup Nazi, Virgin, 和Sidra Holland。
Even with all the despicable things he's done, you can't deny that at least a part of you wanted Vic Mackey to get away scot-free. And he did...sort of. Watching Vic sitting behind a desk, filling out reports, all alone under the thumb of the FBI, it seemed clear that he was paying for his crimes in a way that cut him deeper than prison ever could.
LOST 《迷失》
There was never going to be any way to wrap up every last hanging story line from six seasons of serialized Island mayhem, but Lost's two-and-a-half hour finale proved to be a high-energy epic romp, even with plenty of questions unanswered. The revelation that the Sideways world was a purgatory-ish afterlife led to a parade of tear-inducing reunions, while the Island story line ended with a final showdown between Jack and Smokey. We dare you not to cry at the final moments, with their shot-for-shot callback to the very first scene of the series。
Was Sam really going to ditch the bar to move to L.A. with the reemerged Diane? Of course not. Sitting on the tarmac he realized his mistake and returned to his true love: his bar, and the lazy, lovable friends who would never leave it.
The finale showed us the autistic son of hero Dr. Westphall playing with a snow globe, lost in thought. The camera moves in closer, and we see it contains a replica of the hospital show's St. Eligius building. It was therefore assumed that all six seasons of St. Elsewhere took place in the son's imagination. Mind-blower!
Bob's 1982-90 sitcom ended with ''The Final Newhart,'' in which Vermont innkeeper Bob goes to sleep and wakes up as Chicago therapist Bob, sleeping next to his original 1972-78 Bob Newhart Show wife, Suzanne Pleshette. Thus the entire second series was but a dream.