1.《公民凯恩》Citizen Kane
The story is a film à clef that examines the life and legacy of Charles Foster Kane, played by Welles, a character based upon the American newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst and Welles' own life. Upon its release, Hearst prohibited mention of the film in any of his newspapers. Kane's career in the publishing world is born of idealistic social service, but gradually evolves into a ruthless pursuit of power. Narrated principally through flashbacks, the story is revealed through the research of a newsreel reporter seeking to solve the mystery of the newspaper magnate's dying word: "Rosebud."
2.《猎人之夜》The Night of the Hunter
The Night of the Hunter is a 1955 American thriller film directed by Charles Laughton and starring Robert Mitchum and Shelley Winters.
The film is based on the 1953 novel of the same name by Davis Grubb, adapted for the screen by James Agee and Laughton. The novel and film draw on the true story of Harry Powers, hanged in 1932 for the murders of two widows and three children in Clarksburg, West Virginia. The film's lyric and expressionistic style sets it apart from other Hollywood films of the 1940s and 50s, and it has influenced later directors such as David Lynch, Martin Scorsese, Terrence Malick, Jim Jarmusch, the Coen brothers, and Spike Lee.
3.《游戏规则》 La règle du jeu
克里斯汀(诺拉•格雷格 Nora Gregor 饰)跟女仆杰西(安•梅因 Anne Mayen 饰)探讨了男女之间友谊的话题。二人意见相左,但克里斯汀坚信异性友谊。因为她确有一位蓝颜知己——飞行员朱利(罗兰德•陶腾 Roland Toutain 饰)。他因为完成了23小时飞越大西洋的壮举,成为了国家英雄,并公开表示出对克里斯汀的感情。朱利的朋友奥克塔夫对此颇有微词,因此叮嘱他千万不要在聚会越界。
聚会是由克里斯汀的丈夫罗伯特(马塞尔•达里奥 Marcel Dalio 饰)主办的,但她却想要跟朱利私奔,这个事让罗伯特勃然大怒;杰西的丈夫对于主人在猎场新收的家丁怀有敌意,当他目睹妻子与其偷情,更是怒不可遏,一场闹剧就此开场……
The Rules of the Game (original French title: La Règle du jeu) is a 1939 French film directed by Jean Renoir about upper-class French society just before the start of World War II. As a point of departure he began with Alfred de Musset's Les Caprices de Marianne, a popular 19th-century comedy of manners: "My first intention was to film a transposition of Caprices de Marianne to our time. It is the story of a tragic mistake: the lover of Marianne is taken for someone else and is bumped off in an ambush". He was also inspired by Jeu de l'amour et du hasard of Marivaux, by Molière, and took some details from Beaumarchais: the quote at the beginning of the film comes from Mariage de Figaro
4.《日出》Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
盛夏的度假时节,一位城市女人来到乡下滞留,这期间,城市女人诱惑了当地的农夫并教唆他杀死自己的妻子(Janet Gaynor 饰)以便贩卖掉农庄后私奔。被迷惑了心窍的男人早已忘记了那些同妻子共处的纯美时光,他将妻子带到河面蓄谋加害,却在要下毒手时幡然悔悟,伤心的妻子踏上了进城的列车,男人穷追不舍一同抵达城市。城市里真正是一片花花世界呵,这对夫妻在街上游走玩乐,在那些小小的玩笑中,甜蜜的冒险中,他们又找回了爱情的美妙共鸣……和好如初的两人返回乡村,不料却在归途遇上了肆虐的风浪……
Sunrise won an Academy Award for Unique and Artistic Production at the first ever Academy Awards ceremony in 1929. In 1937, Sunrise's original negative was destroyed in a nitrate fire. A new negative was created from a surviving print. In 1989, this film was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in their National Film Registry.[citation needed] In a 2002 critics' poll for the British Film Institute, Sunrise was named the seventh-best film in the history of motion pictures.
5.《亚特兰大号》 L'atalante
L'Atalante (also released as Le chaland qui passe) is a 1934 French film directed by Jean Vigo and starring Jean Dasté, Dita Parlo and Michel Simon. It has been hailed by many critics as one of the greatest films of all time.
最终人们还是从一位卖气球的盲人小贩处获得线索,他曾经卖国气球给于凶手一同前来的小女孩,他根据凶手的口哨声认出了此人经常来买气球。聪明的小贩在凶手背后写了个字母“M”,于是警查们开始追寻这个凶手“M”(彼得•洛 Peter Lorre 饰)。
M (German: M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder) is a 1931 German drama-thriller directed by Fritz Lang and written by Lang and his wife Thea von Harbou. It was Lang's first sound film, although he had directed more than a dozen films previously.
The film has become a classic which Lang himself considered his finest work.
7.《雨中曲》Singin' in the Rain
无声电影时代,演员的形体远远比声音重要。琳娜(简•哈根 Jean Hagen 饰)就是凭着讨好的外形,和唐(吉恩•凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)成为大受欢迎的明星搭档。然而,随着技术的发展,有声电影问世,这就难倒了声音及其难听的琳娜。无论如何训练,她都不能把台词念得漂亮。于是,唐请来了声音甜美的凯西(黛比•雷诺斯 Debbie Reynolds 饰),让她做琳娜音乐剧幕后的配音者,令琳娜的演出声名大振。而走红的琳娜更加目中无人。
唐经常与凯西、好友科斯莫(唐纳德•奥-康纳 Donald O'Connor 饰)合作无间,唐更与凯西擦出火花,两人相互倾慕。一场大雨给了唐无限的灵感。然而他如何让才艺俱佳的凯西得到应有的名誉和地位?
Singin' in the Rain is a 1952 American comedy musical film starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds and directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, with Kelly also providing the choreography. It offers a comic depiction of Hollywood, and its transition from silent films to "talkies."
Although it was not a big hit when first released, it was accorded its legendary status by contemporary critics. It is now frequently described as one of the best musicals ever made, topping the AFI's 100 Years of Musicals list, and ranking fifth in its updated list of the greatest American films in 2007.
警官斯考蒂(詹姆斯•斯图尔特 James Stewart 饰)在一次行动中从高处失足掉下,虽然最终身体完全复原,但是却患上了恐高症。斯考蒂只好辞职当起了私家侦探。一天,同学加文找到斯考蒂,委托他去跟踪妻子玛伦(金•诺瓦克 Kim Novak 饰),因为玛伦似乎患了精神恐惧症,而加文却认为她受了她去世的祖母的诅咒。尽管斯考蒂认为加文的想法十分天真,但他还是接下了这桩任务。玛伦的举止确实十分奇怪,她试过盯着祖母的画像看了几个小时,去过墓地,甚至还试图跳河自杀,幸好被斯考蒂救了。到底玛伦是真的受了诅咒,还是背后隐藏什么阴谋?
It is the story of a retired police detective suffering from acrophobia who is hired as a private investigator to follow the wife of an acquaintance to uncover the mystery of her peculiar behavior.
The film received mixed reviews upon initial release, but has garnered acclaim since and is now frequently ranked among the greatest films ever made, and often cited as a classic Hitchcock film and one of the defining works of his career.
9.《天堂的孩子》Les enfants du paradis
Les Enfants du Paradis, released as Children of Paradise in North America, is a 1945 French film by French director Marcel Carné, made during the German occupation of France during World War II. Set among the Parisian theatre scene of the 1820s and 30s, it tells the story of a beautiful courtesan, Garance, and the four men who love her in their own ways: a mime artist, an actor, a criminal and an aristocrat. A three-hour film divided into two halves, it was described in the original American trailer as the French answer to Gone with the Wind. The film was voted "Best French Film Ever" in a poll of 600 French critics and professionals in 1995.
约翰·福特的又一杰作。在一次印地安人突袭中,仇恨一切印地安人的退伍老病埃森·爱德华兹(Ethan Edwards)(约翰·韦恩饰)哥嫂被杀,侄女被掠。于是埃森在其兄养子马丁(有印地安人血缘)的陪伴下,开始了搜找侄女的艰辛岁月。数年间,搜索渐渐变成了别具目的的迷狂的举动。侄女已成印地安部落一员,他找她只为杀死她。 福特独具天赋,把个典型的寻仇故事精工细作成关于种族主义和盲目仇恨的深层思考,抓住了一个有着荒谬过去和未卜将来的国家的情绪,影片因之变成了跨越时空意味深远的现代寓言。 该片使韦恩达到表演巅峰,而出色的视觉效果(最后枪战一场也是所有西部片中最佳一幕)也成为后辈楷模。要是谁说还有比它更绝的影片,那就看埃森著名的反诘:“等着那天吧!”
The Searchers is a 1956 American Western film directed by John Ford, based on the 1954 novel by Alan Le May, and set during the Texas–Indian Wars. The picture stars John Wayne as a middle-aged Civil War veteran who spends years looking for his abducted niece (Natalie Wood), along with Jeffrey Hunter as his adoptive nephew, who accompanies him.
The film was a commercial success, although it received no Academy Award nominations. It was named the Greatest American Western of all time by the American Film Institute in 2008, and it placed 12th on the American Film Institute's 2007 list of the Top 100 greatest movies of all time.