The Vampire Diaries executive producer Kevin Williamson wants to make something clear: Damon and Elena’s growing closeness in the absence of Stefan won’t necessarily lead where viewers think it will this coming season.
《吸血鬼日记》执行制片人Kevin Williamson想让观众们明白:虽然《吸血鬼日记》第三季中Stefan不会像之前一样陪在Elena身边,而Elena和Damon的关系也变得更加亲密,但是这并不意味着剧情就会向着观众们想的方向发展(DE不会轻易在一起)。
“Just because we’re putting her with Damon doesn’t mean they’re going to end up together. ” Williamson told TVLine at the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour, when we pressed him about how anxious he plans to make Elena/Stefan fans.
While Damon and Elena will “bond” as they search for Stefan — their journey will be “more about friendship” than romance, says Williamson.
“It’s not so much about, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to fall madly in love and live happily ever after?’” says Williamson. “It’s, ‘Are Damon and Elena going to be able to find the man they both love?’ … It’s going to be fun to watch Damon and Elena form this relationship that at its core is about a search for the man they both care about.”
“Damon is not good at being a hero, so I can’t imagine he’s ever going to do it right,” observes Williamson, adding, “It’s always go to be one step forward, two steps back. ‘OK, so I’m the hero — I’m going to kill three people.’ And that is not OK with Elena.”
Sebastian Roche is done being an angel on Supernatural and is setting his sights on another CW series — The Vampire Diaries.
Sebastian Roche在《邪恶力量》中已经完成了扮演天使角色的使命,他现在要投入CW电视网另外一档美剧《吸血鬼日记》的怀抱了。
Roche will appear in a recurring role as “a very mysterious man who appears to be hunting vampires, most specifically Klaus,” reports EW.com.
Roche’s character will be a source of concern for the powerful Klaus.
Roche’s Supernatural character, Balthazar, met a bloody end at the hands of Castiel last season. Season 3 of The Vampire Diaries premieres Sept. 15.