Name: Daniel Radcliffe
Chinese Name: 丹尼尔·雷德克利弗
Nickname: Dan
Gender: 男
Date of birth: 1989年7月23日
Height: 169cm
Place of birth: 英格兰
Constellation: 狮子座
Nationality: 英国
Profession: 演员
Masterpiece: 电视剧《大卫-科波菲尔》
You will never measure up, to those people you
Must be strong, can't show them that you're weak
Have you ever told someone something
That's far from the truth
Let them know that you're okay
Just to make them stop
All the wondering, and questions they may have
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
Have you ever seen your face,
In a mirror there's a smile
But inside you're just a mess,
You feel far from good
Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand
Have you ever had this wish, of being
Somewhere else
To let go of your disguise, all your worries too
And from that moment, then you see things clear
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
Are you waiting for the day
When your pain will disappear
When you know that it's not true
What they say about you
You could not careless about the things
Surrounding you
Ignoring all the voices from the walls
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
霍格沃茨 Hogwarts
霍格莫德 Hogsmeade
德姆斯特朗 Durmstrang
布斯巴顿 Beauxbatons
古灵阁 Gringotts
翻倒巷 Knockturn Alley
对角巷 Diagon Alley
尖叫棚屋 The Shrieking Shack
蜜蜂公爵 Honeydukes
佐科玩笑商店 Zonko's Joke Shop
丽痕书店 Flourish and Blotts
破釜酒吧 Leaky Cauldron
陋居 The Burrow
三把扫帚 The Three Broomsticks
阿兹卡班 Azkaban
女贞街 Privit
魔法部 Ministry of Magic
Astronomy Tower 占星塔 霍格华兹最高的地方。
Forbidden Forest 禁忌森林 霍格华资学生们的禁地,人马、独角兽等奇兽居住其中。
Platform9 3 / 4 九又四分之三月台 搭乘霍格华兹特快车的月台。
Smeltings 司梅汀中学 达力的学校。
Stonewall High 石墙高中 哈利本来预计要进入就读的麻瓜学校。
The Owlery 猫头鹰屋 霍格华兹中猫头鹰的宿舍。
变形课 Transfiguration Class
魔咒课 Charms Class
黑魔法防御术 Defence Against The Dark Arts Class
保护神奇生物课 Care of Magical Creature Class
草药课 Herbology Class
飞行课 Flying Lessons
魔药课 Potions Class
媚娃 Veela
摄魂怪 Dementor
小矮妖 Leprechaun
光轮200 Nimbus 2000
火弩箭 Firebolt
级长 Prefect
魔杖 Wand
隐形衣 Invisibility Cloak
坩埚 Cauldron
分院帽 Sorting Har
长袍 Robes
魁地奇 Quiddich
鬼飞球 Quaffle
游走球 Bludger
金色飞贼 Golden Snitch
追球手 Chaser
找球手 Seeker
击球手 Beater
守门员 Keeper
麻瓜 Muggle
活点地图 The Marauder's Map
飞路粉 Floo Powder
韦斯莱魔法把戏 Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
预言家日报 Daily Prophet
三强争霸赛 Triwizard Tournament
魔法石 Philosopher's Stone
火焰杯 Goblet of Fire
打人柳 Whomping Willow
黑魔标记 The Dark Mark
门钥匙 Portkeys
吼叫信 Howler
猫头鹰邮递 Owler
加隆 Galleons
西可 Sickels
速记笔 Quick-Quotes Quill
纳特 Knut