The Lover 白羊
The Lover 情人
The primary characters are known only as The Young Girl and The Chinese Man. The daughter of bitter, fearful, poverty-stricken colonials, she is a pretty waif who likes to wear an old silk dress and a man's fedora and paint her lips bright red when out of her mother's sight. She hates everything about her existence — her teachers, her fellow students, and most of all her depraved, dysfunctional family.
The son of a Chinese businessman whose fortune was made in real estate, has recently returned from Paris after dropping out of school. He has the look but lacks the self-assurance of the playboy he fancies himself to be, and he is mesmerized the first time he sees her standing by the rail on a crowded ferry crossing the Mekong River...
Under the Greenwood Tree 金牛
Under the Greenwood Tree 绿荫下
The plot concerns the activities of a group of church musicians, the Mellstock parish choir, one of whom, Dick Dewy, becomes romantically entangled with a comely new school mistress, Fancy Day. The novel opens with the fiddlers and singers of the choir—including Dick, his father Reuben Dewy, and grandfather William Dewy—making the rounds in Mellstock village on Christmas Eve.
When the little band plays at the schoolhouse, young Dick falls for Fancy at first sight. Dick, smitten, seeks to insinuate himself into her life and affections, but Fancy's beauty has gained her other suitors, including a rich farmer and the new vicar at the parish church...
面对强大的竞争对手,出身贫穷的迪克仍然对芬西展开了热烈的追求。而芬西也被迪克身上的那种狂热所吸引,可是父亲及礼教的束缚又让她对真爱望而却步。面对大地主夏纳的真诚求婚,芬西十分犹豫,尤其是听说夏纳勇敢地救了父亲后,更是不忍心拒绝他。并在父亲的催促 下,准备与夏纳完婚。迪克听说芬西的决定后十分伤心,决定外出去开创一番事业……
50 First Dates 双子
50 First Dates 初恋50次
Henry Roth (Sandler) is a womanizing marine-life veterinarian who cares for animals in an aquatic amusement park in Hawaii. The film begins with a review of Henry's sexual conquests and scenes of him at work with his assistants Ula (Schneider) and Alexa (Strus).
One morning, Henry meets Lucy Whitmore (Barrymore), a local art teacher, in a café. They hit it off and agree to meet the next day, but when Henry returns, Lucy has no memory of him or their previous meeting. Pulling him aside to where Lucy cannot hear them, the café owner explains to Henry that, as a result of a car accident a year earlier, Lucy suffers from Goldfield Syndrome, a fictional form of anterograde amnesia in which each day's events disappear from her memory overnight. She innocently believes every day to be the birthday of her father, Marlin (Clark), which happens to be the day of the accident. In order to shield her from the pain of repeatedly learning about the accident, Marlin and Lucy's brother, Doug (Astin), re-enact the activities of Marlin's birthday every day...
推荐理由:双子座就是一个游走在人群中的好奇宝宝,终生都在寻找,寻找她们自己。 从没有哪一部有关初恋的电影可以像《初恋50次》 一样,拍的如此轻松浪漫,又如此深情款款。
Dancer in the Dark 巨蟹
Dancer in the Dark 黑暗中的舞者
The film is set in the U.S. state of Washington in 1964 and focuses on Selma Ježková (Björk), a Czech immigrant who has moved to the United States with her son, Gene Ježek (Kostic). They live a life of poverty as Selma works at a factory with her good friend Kathy, whom she nicknames Cvalda (Deneuve). She rents a trailer home on the property of town policeman Bill Houston (Morse) and his wife Linda Houston (Seymour). She is also pursued by the shy but persistent Jeff (Stormare) who also works at the factory.
What no one in Selma's life knows is that she has a hereditary degenerative disease which is gradually causing her to go blind. She has been saving up every penny that she makes (in a candy tin in her kitchen) to pay for an operation which will prevent her young son from suffering the same fate...
Office Romance 狮子
Office Romance 办公室的故事
The action takes place in Moscow in 1976. Anatoly Yefremovich Novoseltsev, a clumsy single father of two sons, works at a statistical bureau. His boss is a strict unmarried woman, Ludmila Prokofievna Kalugina, nicknamed "our frump" by her subordinates. She has some self-confidence problems, hidden behind her gloomy humorless demeanor and plain old-fashioned look. Novoseltsev’s colleagues consider him as a smart and experienced worker.
He dreams about a promotion and a raise that would help him provide for his children, but he is too timid to talk to his boss about it. His former classmate and old friend, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, recently appointed assistant manager of the institution, suggests appointing Novoseltsev as a head of the light industry department, but Kalugina rejects it believing that Novoseltsev is not good enough for the position. Then, following Samokhvalov's advice, Novoseltsev unwillingly tries to flirt with "the Frump" at a party in Samokhvalov's apartment in order to "get into contact" with her...
统计局局长卡卢金娜是个性格孤僻、言行和外表都有点男性化的怪女人,职员们背后都叫她冷血动物。统计员诺瓦谢利采夫学生时代是个才华出众的青年,但是现在却变得穷困潦倒、未老先衰、唯唯诺诺。然而这两个地位、性格相差悬殊的人经过几次碰撞之后, 却都显露出人性的本色和性格的闪光点。
Pride & Prejudice 处女
Pride & Prejudice 傲慢与偏见
The plot of the novel is driven by a particular situation of the Bennet family: The Longbourn estate where they reside is entailed to one of Mr Bennet's collateral relatives—male only in this case—by the legal terms of fee tail. Mr and Mrs Bennet have no sons: this means that, if Mr Bennet dies soon, his wife and five daughters will be left without home or income. Mrs Bennet worries about this predicament and wishes to find husbands for her five daughters quickly.
The narrative opens with Mr Bingley, a wealthy young gentleman and a very eligible bachelor, renting a country estate near the Bennets called Netherfield. He arrives accompanied by his fashionable sisters and his good friend, Mr Darcy. Attending the local assembly (dance) Bingley is well-received in the community, while Darcy begins his acquaintance with smug condescension and 'proud' distaste for all the country locals...
根据简•奥斯汀同名小说改编。伊丽莎白•班纳特(凯拉•奈特丽饰)出身于小地主家庭,有四个姐妹,母亲班纳特太太整天操心着为女儿物色称心如意的丈夫。新来的邻居宾格来先生和他的朋友达西(马修•麦克菲迪恩 饰)打破了她们一家人单调的乡村生活。宾格来和伊丽莎白的姐姐简•班纳特互生情愫;达西对善良聪明的伊丽莎白产生了好感,而伊丽莎白却对达西不可一世的傲慢心存偏见,不接受他的感情。然而,世事难料,宾格来和简•班纳特因为误会,关系危在旦夕;达西的种种作为,展示了性格中和伊丽莎白相同的善良一面,逐渐赢得了伊丽莎白的好感。两对有情人能否终成眷属?班纳特姐妹们能否得到自己想要的生活?
Malèna 天枰
Malèna 西西里的美丽传说
The film is set in Sicily in 1940 during World War II just as Italy enters the war. Malena's husband, Nino Scordia, leaves to serve in the military. She learns that her husband has been killed. Malena tries to cope with her loss, as the town she has moved to tries to deal with this beautiful woman who gets the attention of all the local men, including the 12-year-old Renato. However, in spite of the gossip, she continues to be faithful to her husband. Renato becomes obsessed with Malena and starts fantasizing about her.
Renato continues to watch as she suffers from grief. Malena is shunned by the townspeople who begin to believe the worst about her, simply because of her beauty...
推荐理由:如果给美神维纳斯评选 一个最合适的星座,那一定是天秤座。《西西里的美丽传说》里的女主角便是如此,一个美得令全镇男人丢魂少魄,全镇女人怨恨非议的美女。
Gloomy Sunday 天蝎
Gloomy Sunday 忧郁星期天
The film opens and closes in the modern era. A German industrialist, Hans Wieck, returns to Budapest with his family on the occasion of his 80th birthday having been stationed there during World War II. During dinner at his favorite restaurant, Szabo's, Hans regales his family and friends with stories of his many visits to the restaurant before and during the war.
As he relishes his favorite dish, "Beef Rolls" he suddenly collapses with the song "Gloomy Sunday" being played, at his request, by two musicians. As he dies he sees a portrait of a beautiful woman taken many years before. This portrait is the device by which the film travels back in time to Budapest just before the war...
上世纪30年代的匈牙利首都布达佩斯的一个餐馆里,美丽的伊洛娜(艾丽卡•莫露珊 Erika Marozsán 饰)同时被两个男人深爱着。一个是餐厅老板,另一个是钢琴师。三个人都并不愿意改变现况,打破平衡,伊洛娜同时拥有两个男人的爱而深感平静幸福。钢琴师为她创作出《忧郁星期天》,他和餐厅也因此一举成名。
然而,汉斯的出现彻底毁灭了这一切。他曾经是一个无名小子,深深迷上《忧郁星期天》的同时,更是成为伊洛娜的裙下之臣。汉斯向伊洛娜求婚,却被拒绝,满腔恨意的他如今成了军官,风光无限,正带着他蓄谋已久的复仇计划来到伊洛娜身边,给他 们的生活以致命一击。爱、复仇与战争的故事,在布达佩斯纠结上演。
Showgirls 射手
Showgirls 艳舞女郎
When we first meet Nomi Malone (Elizabeth Berkley), she's hitchhiking in Nevada. A shady country-boy tries to hit on her after he gives her a lift, but Nomi shows she's someone not to mess with when she pulls out a knife. After having a near-accident, the two agree to behave themselves and they drive to Las Vegas.
After the country-boy takes off with her suitcase, leaving Nomi stranded and broke, she meets up with Molly (Gina Ravera), who saves her life when Nomi wanders in traffic. After talking and discovering Nomi does not have any family or place to go, Molly takes her in. Nomi gets a job as a stripper at the sleazy Cheetah's Topless Club; she considers herself a dancer, and the Cheetah is a place where she can do this and still make a living...
Yentl 摩羯
Yentl 杨朵儿
Barbra Streisand portrays Yentl Mendel, a girl living in an Ashkenazi shtetl in Poland in the early 20th century. Yentl's father, Rebbe Mendel (Nehemiah Persoff), secretly instructs her in the Talmud despite the proscription of such study by women according to the custom of her community.
After the death of her father, Yentl decides to dress like a man, take her late brother's name, Anshel, and enter a Jewish religious school.
Upon entering the yeshiva, Yentl befriends a fellow student, Avigdor (Mandy Patinkin), and meets his fiancée, Hadass (Amy Irving).
The story is complicated as Hadass's family cancels her wedding to Avigdor over fears that his family is tainted with insanity, and decides that she should marry Anshel instead. Meanwhile, Hadass develops romantic feelings for Yentl (as Anshel), while Yentl herself is falling in love with Avigdor. After much turmoil, Avigdor and Hadass are reunited, while Yentl leaves Europe to go to America, where she hopes to lead a freer life.
Camille Claudel 水瓶
Camille Claudel 罗丹的情人
The film recounts The troubled life of French sculptor Camille Claudel and her long relationship with legendary sculptor Auguste Rodin. Beginning in the 1880s with a young Claudel's first meeting with Rodin, the film traces the development of their intense romantic bond. The growth of this relationship coincides with the rise of Claudel's career, helping her overcome prejudices against female artists. However, their romance soon sours, due to the increasing pressures of Rodin's fame and his love for another woman.
These difficulties combine with her increasing doubts about the value of her work to drive Claudel into an emotional tumult that threatens to become insanity.
罗丹(杰拉尔•德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)是一个名满世界的雕塑家,众所周知的“思想者”就是他的作品。实际上,除了他自己的艺术天才外,还有一个人在罗丹的艺术和感情生命中有举足轻重的地位,那就是他的情人卡蜜尔(伊莎贝尔•阿佳妮 Isabelle Adjani饰)。卡蜜尔也是一位极具艺术天份的美少女,与罗丹忘年相恋。但是,大凡和大师的恋情总是充满折磨和坎坷一样,卡蜜尔也一样。他们之间疯狂而充满激情的爱情, 会带给卡蜜尔怎样的命运呢?
Amélie 双鱼
Amélie 天使艾米丽
Amélie Poulain (Audrey Tautou) is a young woman who had grown up isolated from other children. After the death of her mother and her father's subsequent withdrawal, she developed an unusually active imagination to ward away the feelings of loneliness.
Now at the age of twenty-three, Amélie is a waitress at The Two Windmills, a small café in Montmartre that is staffed and frequented by a collection of eccentrics. Having spurned romantic relationships following a few disappointing efforts, she finds contentment in simple pleasures and letting her imagination roam free...
艾米莉(奥黛丽•塔图 Audrey Tautou 饰)有着别人看来不幸的童年:父亲给她做健康检查时,发现她心跳过快,便断定她患上心脏病,从此艾米莉与学校绝缘。随后因为一桩意外,母亲在她眼前突然死去。这一切都毫不影响艾米莉对生活的豁达乐观。1997年,戴安娜王妃的去世让她倍感人生的孤独脆弱,艾米莉从此开始了一系列助人计划,包括自闭忧郁的邻居老人,被老板刻薄的菜摊伙计、遗失了童年器物的旧房东、爱情失意的咖啡店同事。但她万万想不到,成人录象带商店店员尼诺(马修•卡索维 Mathieu Kassovitz 饰),竟成为她的棘手对象,艾米莉开始了令人哭笑不得的另类计划…