Three idiots 三傻大闹宝莱坞
Farhan, Raju, and Rancho are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering. Farhan is studying engineering to pursue his father's wishes over his own — to become a wildlife photographer. Raju is studying to raise his family's fortunes while Rancho, driven by his passion for machines and devices, studies for joy of it. However, due to this different approach Rancho incurs the wrath of dean of college, Professor Viru "Virus". Virus labels Rancho and his friends as "idiots" and attempts on a number of occasions to break up their friendship. Meanwhile, Rancho falls in love with Virus' daughter Pia and infuriates Virus.
Ten years later, having lost contact with Rancho, Raju and Farhan begin a journey to find him. When they find Rancho's house in Shimla, they find a completely different Rancho. From him they come to know that their friend was a destitute servant boy "Chhote" who loved learning, while he, the real Rancho, disliked study. The family agreed to let the servant boy study in Rancho's place. In return, the real Rancho would pocket the qualifications and after graduating, the servant boy will cease all contact. The real Rancho reveals that Chhote is now a school-teacher in Ladakh. Raju and Farhan find Pia and arrive in Rancho’s school. Pia and the fake Rancho rekindle their love.
The Shawshank Redemption 刺激1995 (这一译名不太常见,《肖申克的救赎》这一译名大家应该更熟悉了。)
Andy Dufresne, a mild mannered New England banker, is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. Despised at first by the other inmates because of his introverted manner, Andy slowly forges an unlikely friendship with Red, a seasoned lifer and his gang. Soon, Andy also becomes popular with the prison guards, including the vicious Captain Hadley who offers him protection against the jail's rougher convicts in exchange for financial counseling. The prison warden also takes advantage of Andy's banking knowledge by exchanging privileges for creative bookkeeping. Over a twenty year period, Andy is able to maintain his sanity and dignity in prison not by physical force but by mental force. His smarts and confidence keep him going and he is able to teach the other prisoners that hope is the ultimate means of survival.
The Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效应
Evan Treborn has lost track of time. From an early age, crucial moments of his life have disappeared into a black hole of forgetting, his boyhood marred by a series of terrifying events he can't remember. What remains is the ghost of memory and the broken lives around him--the lives of his childhood friends, Kayleigh, Lenny and Tommy. Throughout his childhood, Evan was under the care of a psychologist who encouraged him to keep a journal, detailing the events of his day-to-day life. Now in college, Evan reads from one of his journals and finds himself thrust suddenly, inexplicably back in time. He comes to realize that the notebooks he keeps under his bed are a vehicle by which he can return to the past and reclaim his memories. But these recollections only leave Evan feeling responsible for the damaged lives of his friends, most crucially that of Kayleigh, his childhood sweetheart who he continued to love into adulthood. Determined to do something now that he was incapable of doing then, Evan purposely travels back in time, his present-day mind occupying his childhood body, in an attempt to re-write history and spare his friends and loved ones these traumatic experiences.
Be cool 一酷到底
Streetwise mobster-turned-movie producer Chili Palmer is back, but this time Chili has abandoned the fickle movie industry and veered into the music business, tangling with Russian mobsters and gangster rappers and taking a talented, feisty young singer named Linda Moon under his wing. From the recording studio to an Aerosmith concert to the MTV Music Awards, he manipulates events to watch them play out the Chili way, using his signature blend of wise guy skills and negotiation tactics. It’s a dangerous business and everyone’s looking for their next big hit.
Front of the class 叫我第一名
A story of Brad Cohen, he is a man who overcomes incredible obstacles to become a gifted teacher.
When he was growing up, Brad started making funny noises - all the time. Only Brad (and his supportive mother) knew he couldn't control it. He was teased, misunderstood and punished for disrupting class. By the time he is diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, Brad has learned to hate school. When an understanding school principal offers encouragement, amazingly, Brad decides to become a teacher - the teacher he never had. But who in their right mind would put someone with Tourette's in front of the class?
Even after 24 schools turned him down, Brad refused to give up. Discover what happens when one school finally gives him a chance. Brad Cohen's resilience and determination changed his life.
电影改编自Brad Cohen的真实故事。Brad Cohen是一位有妥瑞氏症的年轻人,他凭借着对人生的乐观心态与追求梦想的执着,如愿成为人们眼里妥瑞症不可能从事的职业—教师。
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 两杆大烟枪
A collection of law-dodging characters in London are brought together by coincidence when a streetwise young man loses half-a-million pounds in a card game. He has a week to get together the money or face losing some fingers. Desperate, he and his friends decide to rip off a gang who are planning to rip off a bunch of ganja farmers. It is very simple except the drug dealers want their money back, as do the thieves, and now there are three sets of criminals after their blood.
The Ten Commandments 十诫
The story relates the life of Moses, from the time he was discovered in the bullrushes as an infant by the pharoah's daughter, to his long, hard struggle to free the Hebrews from their slavery at the hands of the Egyptians. Moses starts out "in solid" as Pharoah's adopted son, but when he discovers his true Hebrew heritage, he attempts to make life easier for his people. Banished by his jealous half-brother Rameses, Moses returns fully bearded to Pharoah's court, warning that he's had a message from God and that the Egyptians had better free the Hebrews post-haste if they know what's good for them. Only after the Deadly Plagues have decimated Egypt does Rameses give in. As the Hebrews reach the Red Sea, they discover that Rameses has gone back on his word and plans to have them all killed. But Moses rescues his people with a little Divine legerdemain by parting the Seas. Later, Moses is again confronted by God on Mt. Sinai, who delivers unto him the Ten Commandments. Meanwhile, the Hebrews, led by the duplicitous Dathan, are forgetting their religion and behaving like libertines. "Where's your Moses now?" brays Dathan in the manner of a Lower East Side gangster. He soon finds out. DeMille's The Ten Commandments may not be the most subtle and sophisticated entertainment ever concocted, but it tells its story with a clarity and vitality that few Biblical scholars have ever been able to duplicate.
RocknRolla 摇滚黑帮
"RocknRolla" is a story of sex, thugs and rock ‘n roll. A mobster from the old school, Lenny knows the right wheels to grease and has his hand on the throat of any bureaucrat, broker or gangster that matters. With one phone call, Lenny can make the red tape disappear. But as Lenny's right-hand man Archy tells him, London is ground zero for the changing times, with big-time mobsters from the East, hungry criminals from the streets, and everyone in-between, all vying to change the rules of commerce and crime. With millions up for grabs, all of London's criminal underworld conspires, colludes and collides with one another in an effort to take their cut. But as high rollers and petty criminals alike jockey for dominance, the true prize of one multi-million-dollar deal will fall into the hands of a junkie rock star - Lenny's stepson, presumed dead but very much alive.
Kill Bill 杀死比尔
An entire wedding party is slaughtered during a dress rehearsal in a rural chapel: the pregnant woman in the blood-splattered wedding dress is Black Mamba, better known as The Bride. The assassin, Bill, and his circle known as The Vipers left The Bride for dead, but unluckily for them she was merely comatose. Four years later, The Bride suddenly awakens from her coma and realizes what has been done to her. She sets off on a ferociously focused mission, setting out to seek revenge on her former master and his deadly squad of assassins. One by one, she kills the various members of the assassin group. She saves Bill for last.
Midnight Cowboy 午夜牛郎
Dreaming of an easy life as a fantasy cowboy stud, cheerful Texas rube Joe Buck heads to New York City to be a gigolo, but he quickly discovers that hustling isn't what he thought it would be after he winds up paying his first trick. He gets swindled by gimpy tubercular grifter Rico "Ratso" Rizzo but, when Joe falls in the direst of straits, Ratso takes Joe into his condemned apartment so that they can help each other survive. Things start to look up when Joe finally lands his first legit female customer at a Warhol-esque party; Ratso's health, however, fails. Joe turns a final trick to get the money for one selfless goal: taking Ratso out of New York to his dream life in Miami.