Death lies before us,as we sail to the Fountain of Youth.You could guide an expedition.You are Jack Sparrow.在我们航行去青春之泉的路上,死亡摆在我们的面前。你可以带领一支探险队。你就是Jack Sparrow。
There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere. I heard a rumor, Jack Sparrow is in London.其实应该得加上“船长”两个字。我听到一个传言说,Jack Sparrow在伦敦。
Helping to found the Foutain of Youth.帮我们去找青春之泉。
Don't a be a fool, Jackie, the fountain will test you.别傻了,Jackie,青春之泉会考验你。
Was there really necessary?真有那个必要吗?
Gentalmen.The fountain is the price.先生们。那泉水就是赏金。
Mermaid water, that will be our pass.美人鱼海域,那是我们的必经之路。
What's your play, Jack?你在玩什么把戏,Jack?
I thought she will give it only with taking the ship.我想她只有在拿到我们的船之后,才会把它交给我们。
Would you just...stay out of it.你能不能...别插手。
There be dangers along the way.沿途危险重重。
Firstly, mermaid, zombies, blackbeard, the pirate all pirates fear.首先,是人鱼,僵尸,还有令所有海盗都害怕的海盗黑胡子。
If I didn't make it for fountain, neither will you.如果我找不到青春之泉,你也找不到。
Is that it? I think so. It had begun. Again!就这样?我想是。已经开始了。再来!
Are we not King's man? How is it we can never meet without you pointing something at me?难道我们不是国王的臣民?怎么我们每次见面你都拿着武器指着我。
There is the Jack I know.那就是我认识的Jack。
You know the feeling that you get, when you stand on a high place, suddenly has to a jump?你知道你站在高处突然往下跳的感觉吗?
I don't have it. Did everyone see that? Because I will not redo it again.我没有过。大家都看清楚了吗?因为我可不会再做一次了。