Two-time Academy Award winner Elizabeth Taylor was as well known for her beauty and acting skills as she was for her remarkable personal life. Her many outstanding cinematic performances, including the role of Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, above, made her a certifiable American icon.
Taylor's mother, an American actress living in London, retired from the stage when she married. Elizabeth was born in the British capital in 1932, three years after her brother Howard, standing with her in this family snapshot, above.
The Taylor family moved to Los Angeles shortly after the beginning of World War II, and Elizabeth's father opened an art gallery that attracted a large number of Hollywood clientele. It wasn't long before the young beauty was noticed and invited to take a screen test. By the age of 9, Taylor had landed a role in Universal's There's One Born Every Minute.
Despite her precocious start, Universal production chief Edward Muhl was unimpressed by the young Elizabeth, and her contract was canceled after just six months. The setback was only temporary, however. In 1942 MGM picked her up and cast her opposite Roddy McDowell in Lassie Come Home.
虽然她的开始非常宝贵,但是环球电影公司总裁Edward Muhl并没有被年轻的伊丽莎白所打动。六个月后她的合约就取消了。但是这个低潮是短暂的。1942年MGM与她签约,并让她与Roddy McDowell出演《灵犬莱西》。
Taylor's strong performance in Lassie helped her land the first breakout role of her career, as Velvet Brown in the 1944 National Velvet. The role earned her the rapt attention of the media, including a visit from a LIFE photographer, above.
As the passionate Maggie in Tennessee Williams' Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Taylor surprised critics with her maturity and earned a second Oscar nomination.
On her fourth trip to the Academy Awards, in 1960, Taylor took home a statuette, having won for her performance as Gloria in Butterfield Here, she is accompanied by her husband Eddie Fisher (to her left, partially obscured) as she answers questions from the press after winning the award.
1960年,她第四次参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼。这时她的丈夫Eddi Fisher陪着她回答记者问。
For her performance in the lavish 20th Century Fox production of Cleopatra, Taylor received $1 million, making her the highest-paid movie star in history at the time.
On the set of Cleopatra, Taylor met and fell in love with the charismatic Welsh actor Richard Burton. They were each married to other people — Taylor to Fisher and Burton to Sybil Williams — but they were able to end their unions and promptly wed each other.
在《埃及艳后》中,她与威尔士演员Richard Burton一见钟情。当时双方都有家庭,但是他们都结束了各自的婚姻,走到了一起。
Taylor and Burton's stormy relationship attracted the fascination of gossip magazines and the moviegoing public. They brought their passionate love affair to the big screen nine times in nine years, starring opposite each other in films like The Taming of the Shrew and The Comedians, above.
For their roles in Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Burton and Taylor for the first time in their careers dared to appear as unglamorous, disheveled and overweight characters. The gambit paid off, and Taylor was awarded her second Oscar for her performance as Martha.
After the death of her close friend Rock Hudson, Taylor became deeply involved in the fight against AIDS. She helped form the American Foundation for AIDS Research and created her own organization, the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation. In 1986 she testified before Congress, above, on the need to find a cure for the disease.
在她的好友Rock Hudson去世后,泰勒开始参与到反艾滋病事业中去。她帮助成立了美国艾滋病基金会,并且建立了她自己的组织,伊丽莎白·泰勒艾滋病基金会。1986年她在国会前发表演说,强调找到这种疾病治疗的重要性。
In her final years, Taylor launched three perfumes and formed a jewelry company. The three scents associated with her, Passion, White Diamonds and Black Pearls, have collectively earned an estimated $200 million in sales.
Of the great actress, New York Times film critic Vincent Canby wrote, "More than anyone else I can think of, Elizabeth Taylor represents the complete movie phenomenon — what movies are as an art and an industry, and what they have meant to those of us who have grown up watching them in the dark."
"纽约时报的影评人Vincent Canby写道,我想不到任何其他人能像伊丽莎白·泰勒这样代表整个电影,不管是作为艺术还是作为一个行业。它对我们的意义就是我们坐在黑影原里看着他们长大。