Gossip Girl without Chuck Bass is like a world without sunshine and rainbows and…a handsome, husky-voiced young adult in dashing three-piece suits!
《绯闻女孩》没有了Chuck Bass就像是生活没有了阳光和彩虹...和一个爱穿时髦西装、声音沙哑磁性的帅气青年。
But unfortunately, this is world Ed Westwick might be ready to see.Westwick reportedly told Tatler in a recent interview that he’s ready to depart the CW staple.
不幸的是Ed Westwick真的可能会让大家看到这样的一个世界、Westwick最近接受《Tatler》采访时表示他准备离开CW电视网的美剧《绯闻女孩》了。
“It’s all about the work, you know,” said the star. “The feeling you get when you connect to the work. And that’s what I had with Chuck Bass in the beginning — I was fascinated by him. But now, to be completely honest, I’m ready to do something else. Really ready to do something else.”
“这都是关于工作,”他说。“关于这份工作给你的感觉。这也是最初我接受Chuck Bass这个角色的感觉——当时我被这个角色深深吸引了。但是现在,说实话,我准备做点别的了。真的准备干点别的。”
Not only Ed Westwick, many casts in the show start to think about "How Long I’ll Remain on Gossip Girl‘ category "— Leighton Messter is familiar, too.
其实不仅仅是Ed Westwick,该剧很多演员都开始考虑“我到底还要在《绯闻女孩》中待多久”的问题了——比如B女王的扮演者Leighton Messter。