1. 剧本可不是什么泛泛之辈写的。执笔的Jordan Mechner在上世纪80年代就是个爬格子的。
The script wasn't written by some hack. Jordan Mechner, the guy who created the entire Prince Of Persia franchise back in the late 1980s was one of the team who put pen to paper.
2. 根据《波斯王子》系列游戏最成功的一部改编。03年的这一部时之沙是该系列中最受欢迎最成功的一部。
It's based on the best Prince Of Persia title there is. Series creator Mechner says "Though inspired by the Prince of Persia video game series as a whole, it’s mainly based on Ubisoft’s 2003 game Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, whose title it shares." It's the best game in the series.
3. 并未完全遵照游戏改编。电影和游戏是两码事儿,借个名儿然后打造单独的电影其实是不错的选择。
But they didn't feel obligated to stay too close to the plot of the game. A game is a game and a movie is a movie. What makes one good won't necessarily make the other good. The creators of the movie have said that they weren't afraid to move away from the plot in the Sands Of Time game when making the film.
4. 砸了一亿五千万打造呢!再怎么说,特效场景有保证。
It's costing $150 million to make. A lot of money doesn't make a good movie on its own. But it does usually buy awesome special effects and elaborate fight scenes.
5. 导演对于改编魔幻巨制颇有经验。《哈利波特与火焰杯》就他拍的啦。
The director has experience bringing an epic fantasy franchise to the screen. Director Mike Newell was also at the helm of the 2006 film Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, which some called the best Potter flick.
6. 女主角,非常火辣,无需多说。
Gemma Arterton is hot.
7. 制片人大名鼎鼎。《加勒比海盗》便出自他手,有点概念了吧?
The producer is Jerry Bruckheimer. Love him or hate him, you can't dispute Bruckheimer knows how to take a story from one medium and turn it into a big-budget Hollywood spectacular (see Pirates Of The Caribbean).
8. 男主角其实经常被人低估,人家演技挺好的,人家都说他穿上戏服就比游戏里面的造型还像王子咧。
Jake Gyllenhaal will be better than people expect. The guy's a good actor and nobody less than Mechner, the creator of the series, says he fits the part: "One of the coolest moments for me was seeing Jake Gyllenhaal in costume as the prince — he looks so much like the character I created for the game."
10. 预告片,很帅很帅!自己看,不多说了。游戏改编《波斯王子:时之沙》场面震撼值得期待
The trailer shown in the Super Bowl looked spectacular. Judge for yourself.