听越狱学英语第二季 第57期
日期:2010-03-03 17:01


手上攥有总统秘密的Scofield 以此为砝码,要挟总统签署总统赦免令,还他们兄弟一个自由。总统无奈答应,可聪明的Scofield不相信这样的口头承诺,要求Caroline在全国现场直播的电视里宣布这一消息。

[00:07.36]Listen and Share
[01:02.02]I can't just hand out pardons to anyone I choose.
[01:06.65]There is a process, rules.
[01:08.45]This is no exception.
[01:10.46]A document will be delivered for your approval just like any pardon.
[01:14.00]You'll sign it and then file it with the attorney general
[01:17.04]who'll submit to the presidential record.
[01:19.26]Fine. I will sign whatever you need me to sign.
[01:22.66]That's very kind, but we both know that's not enough.
[01:25.50]What do you want from me?
[01:27.86]I will unlock you myself, walk you out of here.
[01:30.97]What, you want me to drive you to the airport?
[01:33.65]I guess I'm not as trusting as I used to be, especially with paperwork.
[01:36.96]It's so easy to lose.
[01:39.03]No, I want you to go out there in front of everyone
[01:41.34]and announce our full pardon on live TV.
[01:46.20]you're insane.
[01:48.73]That is not the way things are done.
[01:51.18]This is not a vacuum-- people will ask questions.
[01:53.97]Pardon! On stage. Now.
[02:01.26]And-and how do I know that you won't release the tape an hour later?
[02:08.24]You don't.
[02:10.20]You'll just have to take my word for it.
[02:14.13]Well, I need more than that.
[02:15.63]Well, you're not going to get it.
[02:24.55]It's time.
[02:26.91]Make your choice.
[02:40.79]I can't just hand out pardons to anyone I choose.
[02:44.80]There is a process, rules.
[02:54.43]This is no exception.
[03:04.13]A document will be delivered for your approval just like any pardon.
[03:20.38]You'll sign it and then file it with the attorney general
[03:24.18]who'll submit to the presidential record.
[03:37.87]Fine. I will sign whatever you need me to sign.
[03:47.01]That's very kind, but we both know that's not enough.
[03:57.66]What do you want from me?
[04:09.17]I will unlock you myself, walk you out of here.
[04:12.04]What, you want me to drive you to the airport?
[04:27.84]I guess I'm not as trusting as I used to be, especially with paperwork.
[04:33.29]It's so easy to lose.
[04:50.17]No, I want you to go out there in front of everyone
[04:53.55]and announce our full pardon on live TV.
[05:04.55]You're insane.
[05:10.62]That is not the way things are done.
[05:18.73]This is not a vacuum--people will ask questions.
[05:29.09]Pardon! On stage. Now.
[05:41.33]And-and how do I know that you won't release the tape an hour later?
[05:56.57]You don't.
[05:57.35]You'll just have to take my word for it.
[06:05.46]Well, I need more than that.
[06:23.87]Well, you're not going to get it.
[06:27.32]it's time.
[06:28.22]Make your choice.
[06:50.87]pardon 赦免状
[06:53.48]deliver 递交;呈递
[06:56.34]Some new books have been delivered to the school.
[07:02.48]approval 赞成, 承认, 正式批准
[07:06.97]He showed his approval by smiling.
[07:14.33]attorney general
[07:15.57]attorney 律师
[07:18.74]general 最高职位的
[07:21.44]attorney general 首席检察官, 司法部长
[07:25.85]submit 服从,顺从
[07:30.66]He had never been able to submit himself to that sort of discipline.
[07:38.23]unlock 释放、使…重获自由
[07:41.53]un- 不
[07:44.52]trusting 相信他人的
[07:48.14]used to be
[07:56.40]Mail service used to be faster.
[08:02.45]announce 宣布, 通告
[08:05.50]The government announced that the danger was past.
[08:11.72]live 现场直播的
[08:17.63]a live television program
[08:19.68]insane 疯狂的
[08:23.48]He must be insane to drive his car so fast.
[08:29.70]vacuum 封闭状态
[08:36.79]release 公布,发表,公开
[08:40.52]The police released a drawing of the suspected rapist.

  • trustingadj. 信任的;轻信的 v. 信赖(trust的ing
  • pardonn. 原谅,赦免 vt. 宽恕,原谅
  • announcevt. 宣布,宣告,声称,预示 vi. 作播音员,宣布竞
  • attorneyn. (辩护)律师
  • approvaln. 批准,认可,同意,赞同
  • exceptionn. 除外,例外,[律]异议,反对
  • disciplinen. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科 vt. 训练,惩罚
  • vacuumn. 真空,空间,真空吸尘器 adj. 真空的,产生(利
  • documentn. 文件,公文,文档 vt. 记载,(用文件等)证明
  • announced宣布的