影视资讯:《超人前传》第九季 制服情感重量级剧透
日期:2009-07-29 11:54





E!Online has something about the amazing “Smallville” panel at the San Diego Comic Con 09. Here's the spoilers:

* Clark Kent wears a super-suit!!! You read it right… Clark Kent (Tom Welling) is going to wear a supeheroic suit! It’s not yet the iconic red-and-blue that future Superman will wear. That would be too easy, would it? The super-suit is “all black, no spandex, with the silver Superman logo on the front and a long black trench coat that doubles as a cape”. As Kelly Souders explained at the panel, it will take Clark some time to figure out the perfect Superman suit.

* Major romance for Clark and Lois! As in “a hot and steamy love scene”, and Clark will fall for Lois big-time… but what’s this about a “triangle” between Clark, Lois and the Blur. Oooh, preview..

* Super-villains versus superheroes! Brian Austin Green is a sinister Metallo with the iconic Kryptonite power source… a younger Zod (by British actor Callum Blue who I hope brings his accent into the character!)… on the other side of the ring are the superhero-friends of Clark… and something about the “Justice Society of America” (by writer Geoff Johns).

* And more…. A Green Arrow sidekick story… Chloe welding a gun… how about a future Smallville movie?




· 首先,克拉克·肯特就要穿上超级制服咯!!你没看错,由汤姆·威灵扮演的男主角克拉克·肯特即将穿上超级英雄制服!当然不会是标志性的红蓝相间超人紧身衣,那也忒快了是吧?但是这件制服咧,会是“全黑的非弹性纤维,胸前有一个银色超人logo,配以可以当披风用的黑色长风衣”。据悉,克拉克得花一段时间找到适合自己的完美超人制服。

· 然后,克拉克同露易丝的感情戏即将成为主线!会有“热到冒泡的感情戏”,而且克拉克彻底迷上了露易丝。然而会不会是克拉克、露易丝和模糊人之间的“两人三角”?敬请期待……

· 接着,超级反派与超级英雄之间的对决!会有几个重磅的反派人物华丽登场,另外还有克拉克的超能朋友们,还会提及“美国正义联盟”。

· 更多《超人前传》第九季剧情……衍生剧的线索啦,Chloe造枪啦,还有《超人前传》电影版你期待不?

  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • capen. 岬,海角,披肩
  • blurv. 使 ... 模糊,弄脏 n. 污点,模糊
  • previewn. 预审,查阅,预习,预告 vt. 事先查看,查阅,预
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • comicn. 连环图画,喜剧演员,喜剧元素 adj. 滑稽的,有
  • trianglen. 三角(形)
  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料