母亲节影视特辑: 美剧十大母亲之最
日期:2009-05-08 11:27



最时尚的母亲《绯闻女孩》Lily van der Woodsen


She is Serena Van Der Woodsen's mother. She was a groupie in the late 80s and was involved with Rufus Humphry, Dan Humphry's father. After she left him she married Serena and Eric's father who she divorced, then married two other rich men. In the series 2, she gets engaged to and marries Bart Bass despite she and Rufus agreeing they are in love before the wedding.


最不拘小节母亲《俏妈新上路》Christine Campbell


Christine is a single, divorced 37-year old with a son. Christine's competitive and aggressive nature are common factors that get in the way of her happiness, such as in the episode Ritchie has two Mommies, where she refuses to let her son meet her ex-husband's new girlfriend Christine, fearing he'll like her more. Christine is seen as very self-centered, as she often makes situations revolving around other people about her.


最偏心的母亲《老友记》Judy Geller


Judy Geller is the mother of Monica and Ross Geller. She is overly critical of her daughter, constantly giving her a hard time about everything from Monica's career choices to her taste in clothes and men. On the other hand, she is overly protective of her son Ross. In Judy's eyes Ross can do no wrong and she often blames others for Ross's faults.


最梦寐以求母亲《成长的烦恼》Maggie Seaver


Jason (a psychiatrist) and Maggie (a newspaper reporter) headed a family of three children: 15-year-old Mike, who was irresponsible and an academic slacker; 14-year-old Carol, the brainy nerd and a bit shy; and 9-year-old Ben, who idolized his brother. In the premiere, Jason moves his practice to his home when Maggie went back to work (for the Long Island Herald, using her maiden name, Maggie Malone, as her byline). Most of the stories revolved around standard family issues (such as the children getting into all kinds of situations), though there was time to explore serious topics such as vandalism, gangs and drug use.


最纠结的母亲《六尺之下》Ruth Fisher


Ruth marries Nathaniel Fisher in 1965 after becoming pregnant with her first child, Nate. Four years later she gives birth to another son, David. Their third and final child, Claire, is born later in life in 1983. Ruth had an estranged relationship with her sister Sarah ever since Sarah was negligent while watching Ruth's sons one weekend. She reconciles with her years later. Shortly before the series begins, Ruth has an affair with her hairdresser, Hiram Gunderson, who takes her camping. After Nathaniel's sudden death, she calls off the affair to mourn but rekindles the relationship months later.


最通情达理母亲《同志亦凡人》Debbie Novotny


Debbie Novotny is a supporting, heterosexual fictional character on the Showtime television series Queer as Folk. The mother of main character Michael Novotny, Debbie plays a major role in her son's life, is a strong supporter of gay rights, and an active member of PFLAG. She is usually found either at her house or at the Liberty Diner, where she is a waitress.


最狠心的母亲《越狱》Christina Rose Scofield


She is Michael's and Lincoln's mother. Michael took her maidern name because she told him his father was a drunk. Michael also named a boat 'Christiana Rose' after his mother. The mother was believed to be deceased until Season 4 Episode 16 - The Sunshine State where it's revealed that she is not only alive, but in possession of Scylla. It is also revealed that she worked for The Company.


最超级无敌母亲《超人新冒险》Martha Kent


Martha Kent is the all-loving adoptive mother of Clark Kent, the future Superman. Upon exploring a mysterious rocket, she and husband Jonathan discovered baby Kal-El in a Kansas cornfield. Believing that he was sent to them for a reason, they set out raising the boy as their own. Martha and her husband were quick to realize that Clark wasn't such a normal boy, but continued to love him the same anyway. She, together with Jonathan, taught her son the important human values and they are largely responsible for the values that Clark/Superman lives by. Clark is grateful for what she taught him.


最完美的母亲《绝望主妇》Bree Hodge


Bree is introduced in season one as the perfect wife and mother, however, it becomes apparent that her emotional coldness and obsession with appearance causes the rest of her family to resent her. She is forced to take part in marriage counselling when her husband Rex asks for a divorce, and her son Andrew's rebellious behaviour leads her to cover up a hit and run accident to protect him. Bree eventually discovers that Rex is having an affair with an prostitute, and leaves him, seeking companionship with local pharmacist George Williams.


最舍身取义母亲《识骨寻踪》Ruth Keenan


Max and Ruth Keenan are federal offenders, career criminals who specialise in safety deposit box robberies. An ill advised partnership and a botched robbery leave Max and Ruth with no alternative but to change their identities hoping to protect themselves and their children from old acquaintances. In an attempt to leave their criminal pasts behind them. Ruth becomes Christine. When the criminal associates finally track the family down, Ruth and Max abandon their children in an attempt to protect them. They walk out on their son and daughter a few weeks before Christmas 1991.

  • criminaladj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的 n. 罪犯
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • possessionn. 财产,所有,拥有
  • abandonv. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺 n. 放纵
  • lilyadj. 纯白的 n. 百合花
  • aggressiveadj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的
  • obsessionn. 困扰,沉迷,着魔,妄想
  • negligentadj. 疏忽的,粗心的,不在意的
  • trackn. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲 v. 跟踪,追踪