简介:Jenny与模特Agnes成为朋友。S和Dan同意作为朋友一起参加Rufus画廊的艺术开幕式,遂遇到画家Aaron Rose,两人迅速擦出火花。B发觉引诱Chuck很难。
1. D: Seriously, she's making me feel like a slacker.
slacker: 懒鬼
2. Agnes: That guy is totally into you.
Jenny: Uh, no, he's not. He thinks of me like a little sister.
Agnes: Yeah, a little sister he'd like to do.
He's into you: 他对你有意思
3. D: How's A.P. Economics treating you?
S: Um, well, today there was a rousing debate about inflation versus liquidity, which Isabelle settled by calling Warren Buffett. Apparently, he's her godfather.
D: Hey,um, so the other night, seeing you was really nice. I know the first leg of the Dan/Serena "let's be friends" tour was a disaster, but,uh.
S: well, we were young and stupid then. Now we're older and wiser.
How's… treating you?: 这里是问课上的怎么样,某件事情进展如何。比如你问候一个很久不见的朋友,就可以说How's life been treating you lately?
settle: 处理,尤其指解决一个争端。解决投诉也用settle the complain.
Warrant Buffett: 全名Warren Edward Buffett,就是大名鼎鼎的股神巴菲特。
leg: 旅程中的一段,这里和后面的tour对应在一起,表示刚开始的时候。
older and wiser: 这是口语中的一个固定搭配,很多人在过生日的时候,就会祝福自己older and wiser(年纪大了,要懂事了,或者表示越老越聪明的)
4. B: You have to help me destroy Chuck Bass.
D: All right, I'll take that as my cue to leave.
B: Oh, you're very perceptive.
S: Dan, wait. If you're having a problem with chuck, then a man's perspective could be helpful.
cue: 暗示
perceptive: 你还算识相
perspective: 观点(不要和perceptive搞混)
5. D: Chuck may be a deviant, but he's still a man. So just, you know, drive him crazy, wear him down.
B: Look who finally got a little interesting.
D: I'm sure it's a fluke.
deviant: 不正常的人或物
wear him down: 让他筋疲力尽,无力反抗
fluke: A coincidence, luck
6. - He is stressing. If his right eye starts to twitch, that's when you have to break out the valium.
- Too late. He's been winking nonstop since lunch. The caterer thought he was hitting on him.
stressing: 压力很大
twitch: 抽搐,还有个单词seizure也可以表示突然的发作、痉挛或惊厥。后面S突然想起自己是认识Aaron的,一时激动,说话都不利索了,就说了那句Uh,did you just... are you having a seizure, 'cause you're speaking in tongues.
break out: 把……备好待用
valium: 安定
wink: 眨眼
hit on him: 调情, flirt
7. B: I just wanted to thank you for encouraging me to throw myself at Chuck. I can skip dinner now that I'm so full on humiliation.
throw myself at: 对某人投怀送抱
skip: 不吃了,跳过了。比如不吃甜点,就是skip dessert
8. B: I didn't even get the chance to show him my necklace tangled up in my hair. The nape of the neck is Chuck's kryptonite.
nape: 脖子后面那部分,颈背
kryptonite: 氪,看过“超人”的都知道,唯一能让超人失去超能力的就是这个氪,所以这个单词就表示“克星”的意思。
9. Agnes: By the way, I love your dress. I mean, I've been coveting it all day.
coveting: 垂涎
10. B: Serena knew how upset I was. She didn't want me to be alone, so she invited me to sleep over.
sleep over: 过夜
11. C: You almost had me, Blair.
12. Agnes: You can sleep when you're dead, baby.
Jenny: Which is gonna be tomorrow when Eleanor kills me. I'm sorry. I-I am gonna have to pull an all-nighter as it is.
pull an all-nighter: 整个晚上都在熬夜, 也可以说stay up late(熬到很晚)
13. I don't understand how it got to this place.
14. Vanessa: Why don't we just tell Serena you're not interested in being friends with Blair?
Dan: Oh, we just started hanging out again. I don't want to rock the boat.
hang out: 一起出来玩
rock the boat: Do things differently to the point of causing an uproar in society
15. Dan: I didn't invite her, but Serena and Blair tend to be a package deal.
package deal: 成套的,搭配在一起的(要么两者都要,要么两者都不要)。一个package,就是一整套东西,所以那种酒店、机票都包含在一起的旅游也可以叫做package deal.
16. Dan: I can't believe that I allowed myself to be sucked in by Blair Waldorf.
suck in: 卷入,involved
17. N: That guy Max that was here earlier? Is he a friend of yours?
Aaron: Yeah,yeah, I know him from school.
Nate: Yeah? What's his deal?
What's the deal? 他是怎么样的一个人?
18. Agnes: Sweetie, I told you he liked you.
I totally called that one. 我完全说中了
19. Dan: Serena, hey. Look, I'm...I'm...I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I was out of line.
out of line: 过火了,越界了
20. B: Are you here to gloat?
C: Over what?
B: Well, you won. Pop the champagne.
gloat over: 心满意足,这下你满意了吧,你是来兴灾乐祸的吗?
Pop the champagne. 开香槟的开用pop,pop就是刚打开时候的那一声响声。