Ben: I can't believe it! I just can't believe it; Laura-Lynn standing me up, me! And on
Valentine's Day.
Carol: Ben, why do you keep going with Laura-Lynn if she makes you so miserable? I mean, I
don't mean to sound judgmental but it makes you look like a pathetic dork.
Ben: At least I'm not hanging out with the girls from the office, seeing how much we can eat.
If Laura's not here in five minutes, I'm sucking the middles out of these babies. Mom, when do
struggles with the opposite sex stop?
Maggie: At the funeral home.
Ben: Shouldn't you have hired a lift for your date with Dad?
Maggie: You mean with the man who is an hour late on Valentine's Day and hasn't called?
Ben: Ah, don't feel bad, Mom. Wanna help me suck these chocolates?
Jason: Hey, hi everybody, sorry I'm a little late. Maggie, you're not mad, are you?
Maggie: Well, I'm sure you have a really good reason. You probably got tied up with a patient
in emergency or got caught in traffic, or something.
Jason: Ha ha, actually I just forgot we were going out for dinner tonight. Isn't that funny?
Maggie: You forgot our Valentine's dinner, and that's funny!
Jason: Well, but when I remembered I remembered flowers.
Maggie: Where'd you get these? The off ramp at exit seven?
Jason: Absolutely not...exit nine.
Maggie: I'll get my coat.
Mike: Hey Dad, can I borrow sixty Bucks?
Jason: What, no, hi Dad, how are you Dad, nice to see you Dad?
Mike: Well, every time I say that you say, how much. I'm just trying to save time here. OK,
listen, I've got a date with Kate tonight and everything's got to be just perfect.
Jason: Oh, hey, you better be taking her to the Sizzler.
Mike: Dad, I'm dating Kate, I'm not married to her.
Ben: At least he got her nice flowers.
Mike: Ben, don't help me here.
Jason: Mike, Mike, Mike, I'll lend you the money if you exchange bouquets with me.
Mike: Ah, well, err...how about this? Dad how about if we split the bouquet...
Jason: You get nothing.
Mike: Enjoy.
Laura-Lynn: Let's go Ben, my mom's in the car waiting. Oh, hello Doctor Seaver, hi Mike.
Mike: Hi.
Jason: Hi.
Ben: Let me finish getting my coat on.
Laura-Lynn: Why aren't you ready? Do you know we're late?
Ben: Look Laura, I don't know why you're yelling at me, you're the one who's late; maybe we
shouldn't even go on this stupid date.
Laura-Lynn: Ben, you've never been forceful with me before...I like it. Stand up straight.
Ben: Yes dear.
Maggie: So, where are you taking Kate for dinner?
Mike: It's just some little French place...La Village.
Maggie and Jason: La Village!!
Jason: Mike, you're not proposing, are you?
Mike: No.
Jason: Well you know, it's just that's quite a place. You never took Julie there.
Maggie: Huh, you never took me there.
Mike: Guys, come on, it's just a dinner.
Jason: You hear that Jason, he's your son and he's not afraid to spend money.
Mike: Oh sure because it's my money.
Jason: And by the way, these are your real flowers, the others were just a joke, Maggie. No
man in his right mind would give a woman those.
Maggie: Michael, will you put these in water for me please.
Mike: You got it.
Jason: Shall we? Don't wait up.
Maggie: Oh, honey, where are you taking me?
Jason: Well, I want it to be a surprise.
Maggie: What, I haven't been there before?
Jason: Ah, no comment.
Maggie: Am I over-dressed?
Jason: For something.
Big Al: Howdy.
Mike: Err...howdy.
Carol’s colleague: Err...we're here for Carol's valentine-less Valentine's Day party.
Big Al: Oh, we're from Carol's office...except for her, she's my mom.
Big Al's Mom: Nice to meet you, Carol. Albert's told me so much about you.
Mike: Carol, the A list is here!
Carol: Hi!
Mike: Let me put those in water for you.
Carol: I hope everybody brought a romantic movie. I rented, A Room With A View.
Colleagues: Ooh!
se And I got, An Officer and A Gentleman.
Big Al: Aww!
bam And I got, Samson and Delilah, with Victor Mateaux; we should all have breasts like that
Waiter: Welcome to La Village, enjoy your meal Monsieur, and bon appetit Mademoiselle.
Kate: You know, Mike, when I told you I always wanted to try this place, I wasn't hinting that
you'd bring me here.
Mike: Yes you were.
Kate: You bet I was.
Mike: OK, now look, I want you to order anything you want because... Five Dollars for soup!!
Ah! I'm sounding like my dad.
Kate: Everything looks so good.
Mike: Mmm, sure does. So...err...you've never been here before?
Kate: No.
Mike: Well, speaking of dating...
Kate: Who's speaking of dating?
Mike: Ah, I was.
Kate: When?
Mike: Well, when I said speaking of dating. What were we talking about?
Kate: Errm...dating.
Mike: You know, I'm glad you brought that up. You know, Kate, I've been thinking...
Kate: You are so adorable when you're trying to be serious.
Mike: Really? You know, death haunts me. OK, now getting back to dating...
Kate: Again.
Mike: Hey, you brought it up.
Kate: So, what about dating?
Mike: Well, errm...well we've been doing it for a few weeks now.
Kate: Yeah, I guess we have, huh?
Mike: Yeah, it's been six weeks.
Kate: Six weeks and three days.
Mike: Yeah, and I...I...I personally haven't dated anyone else.
Kate: Uh hu.
Mike: Yeah, and I could have...personally.
Kate: Oh?
Mike: Kate, is there anything else you'd like to say here?
Kate: No.
Mike: You love driving me nuts, don't you?
Kate: It's my second favourite thing to do.
Mike: OK, alright, alright.
Kate: Mike, I haven't dated anyone else, either, and I haven't wanted to. You know, I'm really
happy with the way things are right now.
Mike: So, you're saying...you kind of like being my girlfriend.
Kate: I love being your girlfriend.
Mike: Love! Well, does this mean...
Kate: What do you think?
Mike: Look, Kate, I really need to know what you think because I know what I think.
Kate: Yeah!
Julie: Bonjour, my name is Julie and I'll be your waitress this evening. Mike!
(Back in time to when Julie left Mike)
Mike: Hi my name's Michael Seaver and my fiancée and I are meeting the minister here at one
o' clock.
Woman: Mr. Seaver, yes, well this was left for you.
Mike: Oh, thank you.
Letter from Julie: Dear Mike, by the time you read this I'll be on a plane, and I've never
written a letter like this before, so I don't know how to start. I've been thinking about you and
me and marriage; Mike, I've got so many questions and I've got so many doubts. Maybe I'm
crazy or just scared out of my mind. I don't know, maybe it's cold feet, but all I know right
now is, I can't go through with this.
Mike: Ah, Julie! Julie! Hi!
Julie: Hi Mike.
Mike: So, you err...you...ah...you're a waitress, here at this very place.
Julie: Yeah.
Mike: Yeah, oh, do you wanna sit? You can't, you're a waitress.
Julie: I am.
Mike: I didn't know that.
Julie and Mike: Small world.
Kate: I was waiting for someone to say that.
Mike: Oh, oh, right...err... Julie...Costello, this is err...Kate! Kate! Kate McDonnell. I knew that.
Kate: Hi Julie.
Julie: Hi Kate.
Kate: Julie, we need a few more minutes with the menu.
Julie: Of course, of course you do.
Mike: Yeah, just a couple more minutes with...with the menu.
Julie: Take your time.
Mike: Oh, look, I just drew a blank there. I know your name, OK? I know it like my own. I can
even spell it.
Kate: So, that was Julie.
Mike: Ah...
Kate: The Julie.
Mike: I know that I've told you a little bit about her, but you just have to understand that this
is the first time that we've even seen each other since...well since, since I called our wedding
Kate: Mike, maybe we should go.
Mike: No, Kate, no! No, no, no, I'm fine, I'm fine, I can handle this. OK, look, why don't we
just look over these menus, OK? Oh wow, Alfredo Romano, that sounds great.
Kate: Mike, that's the chef's name. Look, I just think we'd be more comfortable eating at
another restaurant.
Mike: Look Julie...I mean Kate! Look, no, no, don't worry. I appreciate that but I'm fine. I can
handle this.
Kate: I wasn't thinking about you, I was thinking about me.
Mike: What have you got to do with this?
Kate: Mike! This isn't exactly a pleasant situation for me.
Mike: Oh, oh, oh! You mean you having dinner with your new boyfriend and being served by
his former fiancée is not a pleasant situation.
Kate: Maybe in California. Come on Mike, admit it, you're a little uneasy yourself.
Mike: OK, I admit it; I was at first, but now I am calm and I am ready for a great dinner, OK?
I'm just going to tell whats-her-name that we are ready to order, alright?
Laura-Lynn: Ben, you're a whole different you tonight; so commanding, so manly.
Ben: See ya.
Laura-Lynn: Laura, you're mom's right there!
Laura-Lynn: Ben, I'm a woman with needs. Good night, Benjamin.
Ben: Wow. What's the matter?
Carol’s colleague: He came back...Richard Gear came back.
Big Al: I knew I... I knew it.
Carol: He really loved her.
Ben: That other lady's tongues hanging out.
Carol: We know that, Ben. Will you get out!
Big Al: Do you wanna watch the bedroom scene again in slow-mo.
Carol: Well, that was the last movie!
Carol’s colleague: This is the best valentine's day I ever had.
Carol: I am so sorry.
Mike: Wow! Boy, some dinner, huh? Hey, that settles it for me; the French can cook. You know,
I bet they could turn anything into a sauce. Ah hey, well thanks anyway Kate, but I'm gonna
stop in for coffee another time.
Kate: I didn't ask you.
Mike: Oh!
Kate: In fact, I haven't said a word since we left the restaurant.
Mike: Really?
Kate: In fact hardly a word since we bumped into Judy.
Mike: Ah...it's
Kate: Ah, I know, Julie. I notice, her name's on the tip of your tongue.
Mike: Look, come on, Kate, I've apologized for that a hundred times. I mean, how many more
do you need?
Kate: I'll let you know. Mike, let's just forget this whole night ever happened, OK?
Mike: What night? Good night then Kate, I'll call you later.
Kate: Why are you acting like this?
Mike: Like what, Kate?
Kate: Like someone who has a secret.
Mike: Oh, come on, give me a break.
Kate: Give me a break! I mean, you're acting like you're sorry you ended that relationship.
Mike: Well, that is not true.
Kate: Mike, be honest with me!
Mike: Ho...honest! honest, you want honest, OK. Alright, I didn't dump her! I'm the one who
got dumped.
Kate: What?
Mike: I didn't call the wedding off, it was her. OK, I lied. I'm sorry. I did it to spare your
feelings. No, I lied to spare my feelings.
Kate: What else have you lied about?
Mike: Nothing. Kate, I am glad that relationship is over, and I don't care who was the dumper
or the dumpee, it doesn't matter! It's done! It's finished! We said goodbye. Well, we didn't
actually say goodbye because she wrote me that stupid letter, and... Look the point is...Kate, I
love you.
Kate: I love you too, Mike. So, why didn't you say goodbye to her?
Mike: To Judy? Wa...w...wait, whats-her-name? Don't help me.
Maggie: Next year, I pick the restaurant.
Jason: Maggie, that salad bar was eighty feet long.
Maggie: Honey, Valentine's day is not a time to be standing in line carrying a tray. It's not very
Jason: Yeah, well we got great left-overs.
Maggie: Honey, are you really this cheap?
Jason: Maggie... No. For putting up with me, through all the times that I know what I'm doing
and that one time of year that I don't...
Maggie: Oh... Jason. Jason!
Jason: Happy Valentines.
Maggie: Oh... Thank you, it's beautiful.
Jason: Yeah, they look like real diamonds, don't they?
Maggie: Oh, no, they're real.
Jason: Mike!
Maggie: How was La Village?
Jason: Mike! Probably still reeling from the cheque.
Waiter: Oh, I am terribly sorry Monsieur but we are closed... Oh, it's you. Come to break some
more dishes, pally?
Mike: Ah, no. Is Julie...Julie Costello here? Is she still here?
Waiter: Take a number.
Mike: Oh, oh, Julie, hi, hi. Hi errm...
Julie: Hi.
Mike: ...hi, I just came back to get my...something.
Julie: Your something!
Mike: Yeah, yeah but I got it. Thanks. That's not true. Look, Julie, can we talk?
Julie: Mike, I really don't have time...
Mike: To talk! Not even to talk?
Julie: Mike... Sure. In a minute, Ray.
Ray: Err, yeah, sure.
Julie: OK, what?
Mike: Well, err... Well, Julie, errm...I've been thinking a lot about err...about what happened,
and when I saw you over there... Let's just say that it's safe to say...that, there just aren't a
lot of things that need to be said, muchly.
Julie: Mike, this just isn't a good time for us to talk.
Mike: There you go again! You can't...you can't even talk to me, Julie! What is the problem
here? Look, we were three weeks away from getting married! It's funny how things turn out,
isn't it? Maybe I should just have written you a stupid letter like the one you wrote me.
Julie: Mike, I am very sorry...
Mike: Look, if you think you are the only one who had doubts about what we were doing Julie,
you're wrong! I had better doubts!
Julie: Really?
Mike: You bet!
Julie: Oh, that's wonderful.
Mike: Why are you hugging me?
Julie: Well don't you see, I...I thought I broke your heart and I've been going around for
months just feeling so lousy. You had doubts too, this is great!
Mike: Yeah, it's a real hoot!
Julie: Mike, why are you so upset? You just said you had the same questions.
Mike: But Julie, at least I had the guts to come and tell you face to face...eight months after it
Julie: I told you I didn't want to write the letter.
Mike: Well then, why did you?
Julie: If I had told you in person that I didn't think getting married was a good idea, what
would you have said?
Mike: I would have said the same things that I've said to you tonight.
Julie: Are you really being honest?
Mike: Honest...you want, honest? OK. What is it with you women and this honesty thing?
Julie: Mike!
Mike: OK, OK. OK, I would have said, that you were crazy and that you were just having cold
feet...and how could this be wrong, if we were so right for each other.
Julie: And I would have looked into your eyes and I would have just crumbled. See why I
wrote the letter now?
Mike: Yeah. Guess I was a dope, huh?
Julie: No you weren't. You were a charming, wonderful, romantic...
Mike: Dope!
Julie: No more than I was. I'm glad you came in here tonight, Mike.
Mike: Yeah, I'm glad I came back.
Julie: You changed.
Mike: Yeah. I'm older, wiser, honester.
Julie: Honester!
Mike: Yeah, I've changed, my hasn't. Well, err...I gotta go.
Julie: Good to see you, Mike, and you take care.
Mike: Good bye.
Julie: Good bye.
Mike: Hey, we finally said it in person.
Julie: Yeah.
Mike: Oh, err...sorry about the tip.Julie: What tip?