日期:2007-10-22 23:40


This documentary focuses on some young British recent university graduates who have come to China to teach Englsh in Chinese schools for 1 year.
One young man, Ben Ryan, has studied Chinese in college so his language skills are good, but he is not prepared for how hot the weather is in Shanghai when he arrives.
Naomi Zola, another young teacher who doesn’t speak Chinese, feels she can’t get some resistant young boys in her class interested in the English lessons.
Most of the young novice teachers try to get the feel of Chinese culture by eating with chopsticks, taking Tai Chi lessons and practicing their Chinese word pronunciations. They remain excited about being in China and take advantage of their breaks to have a look around the city. We experience the larger classrooms of students with the young teachers when they get their school assignments. They begin to miss their families back in England once Christmas-time comes round, but they go have fun at a TGI Friday’s restaurant with karaoke music and lots of conversation. The film includes good views of Shanghai as well as putting the viewer right into the lives of these young teachers as they find their way in their new jobs.


  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • novicen. 新信徒,新手
  • resistantadj. 抵抗的,反抗的 n. 抵抗者
  • documentaryadj. 文献的 n. 纪录片
  • viewern. 观看者,电视观众,观察器
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话