Throughout human history, they have descended from the sky, bearing wisdom and superior technology. Also its ship. Their ships have apparently been caught on film again and again, though never completely convincing.
And now these deviate aliens are snatching citizens of the earth and doing unspeakable things to them. According to thousands of Americans who claimed to have been abducted by UFOs.
“They are so ugly. This is terribly intrusive.”
“People have sperm taken, eggs taken, fetuses implanted in them, removed from them.”
“Scientists don’t take reports of alien abductions seriously because there is no physical evidence. There is no physical evidence because they don’t actually exit.”
Far extraterrestrials really come into earth and interfering with human affairs, or even interbreeding with us. Examine the most compelling evidence of UFO visitations, with believers and skeptics alike.
You can see clearly a shining object, looks *. Much of what people believe in UFOs and alien abductions is cultural, it’s psychological. It’s not out there, it’s in here.
You decide. As science and super nature collide in our crowded skies.
“J* an alien saucer are approaching from the sky. Radio contact has been attempted and cannot be established. Instructions are to prepare for an attack by an unknown enemy.”
Our modern love-hate relationship with unidentified flying objects and their alien pilots has been going on for more than 50 years now. But some people think that aliens have been around far longer than we have, that indeed they’ve given our evolution the occasional shove in the right direction.
How else could the ancients construct, say, the great pyramids of Giza, or the giant Nazca lines of Peru, which only make sense from the sky? How was it possible that Iron Age Europeans drew a humanoid in a spacesuit?
“This proves just they have found the way to come to the air, they could be more intelligent than we are.”
“Sure it’s possible that aliens came down and helped the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids. But the problem is there’s no evidence for this. The assumption that humans aren’t smart enough to figure this out is frankly insulting.”
deviate vi.背离, 偏离 v.偏离 a. 脱离常规的,异常的
abduct vt.诱拐, 绑架
fetus n.胎儿
extraterrestrial adj.地球外的, 宇宙的 n..外星人
interbreed v.(使)异种交配, (使)混种, (使)杂种繁殖
shove n.<口>推, 挤 vt.<口>推挤, 猛推, 强使 vi.推
humanoid adj.有人的特点的 n.类人动物